Monday 9 April 2012

Mcclaren Vale - Rapid Bay

Must make correction here K1 winery owned by Hardy family,good on you Roger thanks for the comment :(  onto Victor Harbour Port Elliot and Goolwa, had car seviced here ($200 cheaper than TOYOTA)

Victor Harbour horse drawn carriage closed for refurbishment when we arrived,stayed one night caught up on washing,shopping etc.Gail had hair done here no more grey nomad for her!!!!

OOPS!!!Missed rest of story sorry about.But must go on to Rapid Bay now to catch up with Paul & Janice.

Here is Gail the hunter and gatherer with part of her catch to day 4/2/12 catch totalled 4 squid caught off jetty,Paul and Wayne crumbed and cooked the dinner,lovely.Lovely camp,green grass weather a tad windy,on Sunday we took a drive to Jervis Bay to try to do some Squidding there and to see Kangaroo Island ferry.The Island not to be seen today too much rain and cloud.

Friday 9 March 2012

But wait theres more:)

Roger & Nola take us on a tour of thier vineyards and surrounds,out to the local flying school for coffee very nice and then on to the wineries great to see this lovely area.
Not sure if this photo shows what the person is doing but he is picking strawberries on a  device that he pushes back with his feet looks 3rd world to me but must be effective,oh well glad its him :).

We arrived at K1 winery only to find it closed but a lady opened up tasting room for us lovely drop bought a couple of bottles.Winery owned by Bertram Family of sailing fame Americas Cup.
                                                     Nicely restored unit this one.
We returned to van and off again to catch up with friends Barb & Kerry who we haven't seen for sometime.Dinner at a house again two houses in two days who would believe it haven't been in a house since leaving home in June,7 months ago where has that time gone.
We gave them a Howling Wolves Tshirt as a momento of our time together at full moon and Magaret River Winery of the same name they were impressed.
They took us around Brighton & to Adelaide city then to lookout over the city to see lights.
Thursday 2/2/12 Left McLaren Vale today for Victor Harbour,Port Elliott & Goolwa car needs another service, Toyota prices are getting silly now every service they claim is a major one nothing under 800/900$s so thats it for me no more found a good workshop in Goolwa hundreds cheaper great sevice they ticked all the boxes.

Ardrossan-McLaren Vale.

28/1/12 Left early today to drive to Edithburgh,down south.Called into markets at Stansbury lots of normal market stuff but also some interesting art,jewellry and Alpaca wool products. Found a golden KIWI mounted on a shell and bought it for Judith & Ross and mailed it to them,(they had sent us our happy hour Gnome who travels with us)we hope you like it Judith.

We called into all the little coastal towns on way back to van lunched at Port Vincent which is a nice spot.
29/1/12 Happy Birthday to Aaron today hope he had a good one :)
On to Mclaren Vale today to catch up with Roger & Nola,Janice and Paul moved onto Port Elliott.

Roger & Nola play Bowls (Gail & I are not that old yet) so we left message on phone to meet us at Club off we went on arrival we found club closed & not having heard from our FRIENDS we went local Chinese for dinner - lovely meal.
Returned to van wondering what happened with Roger why they were ignoring us Oh well not to worry we would catch up some other time.
Monday 30/1/12 Grandson KYE starts Year 1 today where has that time gone?
Rain today much cooler-Whats that noise asks Gail its 6 30pm she says Whats that funny face at the window?I ask Its Roger she said.
They had made a surprise visit to van.All sorry for HE had phone off for two days and had not had seen message :) nice one Roger.
They haven't changed great to catch up.
Tuesday 31/1/12 We went for drive to Adelaide beaches close to McLaren Vale also out to Happy Valley to see the house Josh owned just to see if it had changed,but still the same out the front.

Dinner at the Bradleys tonight BBQ beautiful, top shelf wine, great company what more could you ask for?

Moonta-Port Hughes-Ardrossan

                                                        Garden at entrance to miners house.

The inside of cottage is kept in as close to original condition as possible,all work being done by volunteers from Heritage Society.

We spoke to our guide about the time that each volunteer devoted to keeping the exhibits going, and his main concern was who was going to continue the work when they could no longer carry on.It would be a shame if the younger generation dont step up and carry on.

                                               This is not a laundry as I know it all manual.
Australia Day today 26/1/12 Celebrated in camp paul cooked a damper & we had the BBQ for lunch, 3 hour happy hour today all good.
On to Ardrossan today 27/1/12 only about100 ks not impressed with park here no green stuff just dirt and dust.

Port Augusta-Moonta-Port Hughes.

Last look over Steelworks here reminds me of time I spent at Steelworks in Newcastle doing Apprenticeship.
                                                      Road Safety Signs in S.A.
                                                       These are self explanatory.
Arrived Port Augusta for morning tea seems like all we do is eat then drive on and eat some more(let out two more holes in belt today):(
Stayed Port Pirie tonight very hot, run a/c trying to keep cool.
Gails mum taken to Hospital today 24/1/12 for tests after falling thought she may have to stay but was allowed to return to home,sad but this another stage of her illness.
Quick trip around town and found a converted church now a Chippo,and on to Moonta the home of cornish pasties yummy.

Called into Port Broughton on the way beautiful parks here,all being set up for Australia Day tomorrow.

We have been amazed at the amount of monuments for World War 1 Vets that are around in the small towns on our travels.
This is not cousin Jack but cousin Janice and cousin Gail,catching up in Moonta before moving on to Port Hughes.

We visted a Cornish Miners Cottage here all authentic display of the house and memorbilia also gardens.

On the road again.

Arrived Tumby Bay early today 22/1/12 enjoyed breakfast here lovely town would have liked to stay a few days here but time restraints against us maybe next time.

I am contented now,but cannot sit here so off we go,quick look at Arno Bay also a holiday destination,not as nice as Tumby.Thought we would have a look at Cowell a free camp on the way long term stay available here,but chockas all area full to bursting,we continued onto Whyalla and stayed in waterfront van park really pleasant spot.

                                                     You never know what you see on the road.

We went crab raking this afternoon,walked for miles,had a great afternoon between us we caught 18 blueswimmers.Janice fell over while running backwards to escape an attacking killer crab,funniest thing we have seen for a long time.Best feed for a long time crabs and fish fresh from natures garden.
Retail therapy today Monday 23/1/12 general look around town,Steelworks,Lookout and Hardly Normal.

The harbour is to small to get large Bulk Carriers inside so the barge here is loaded and taken out to sea by tugs and loaded onto the ships waiting outside.
We have decided to move on tomorrow,after having seen lots of new things,and meeting interesting people from all over.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Port Lincoln National Park

17/1/12 Last night dinner at the Weavers van yummy! Just because we are in the bush doesn't mean we don't dine like you all at home,thanks to the work of mister WEBBER Q.
Great news from home KYE IS ALL GOOD and loves his Dentist or was it the ICE CREAM?As long as he is fixed that's all that matters.
Pauls car in this morning hopefully only 4 days all going well,next few days doing tourist trail,including Fishery Bay whalers operated from here for short time in 1800s.

Nice one parked here at Port Lincoln but must get back to reality now and continue on with the real life.
This is our friend "SNOTTY"his naming is obvious he was a very ill boy which was a shame as he was apparently shunned by the rest of herd.Very thin and scruffy.

Fishery Bay alive with windsurfers and swimmers.Back to camp now and check to see if Pauls car ready.Janice & Paul shouted us lunch to say thanks for staying with them,getting itchy feet now we are all ready to move on.
On our way back to camp we found a Wedding Party on the rocks at this isolated place,must have some meaning for them.
Last look at Port Lincoln and look what we found to play with,I won the fight with this monster YEAH!!!Pauls' car done so let them Vans roll.