Friday 9 March 2012

Moonta-Port Hughes-Ardrossan

                                                        Garden at entrance to miners house.

The inside of cottage is kept in as close to original condition as possible,all work being done by volunteers from Heritage Society.

We spoke to our guide about the time that each volunteer devoted to keeping the exhibits going, and his main concern was who was going to continue the work when they could no longer carry on.It would be a shame if the younger generation dont step up and carry on.

                                               This is not a laundry as I know it all manual.
Australia Day today 26/1/12 Celebrated in camp paul cooked a damper & we had the BBQ for lunch, 3 hour happy hour today all good.
On to Ardrossan today 27/1/12 only about100 ks not impressed with park here no green stuff just dirt and dust.

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