Sunday 19 February 2012

Port Lincoln National Park

17/1/12 Last night dinner at the Weavers van yummy! Just because we are in the bush doesn't mean we don't dine like you all at home,thanks to the work of mister WEBBER Q.
Great news from home KYE IS ALL GOOD and loves his Dentist or was it the ICE CREAM?As long as he is fixed that's all that matters.
Pauls car in this morning hopefully only 4 days all going well,next few days doing tourist trail,including Fishery Bay whalers operated from here for short time in 1800s.

Nice one parked here at Port Lincoln but must get back to reality now and continue on with the real life.
This is our friend "SNOTTY"his naming is obvious he was a very ill boy which was a shame as he was apparently shunned by the rest of herd.Very thin and scruffy.

Fishery Bay alive with windsurfers and swimmers.Back to camp now and check to see if Pauls car ready.Janice & Paul shouted us lunch to say thanks for staying with them,getting itchy feet now we are all ready to move on.
On our way back to camp we found a Wedding Party on the rocks at this isolated place,must have some meaning for them.
Last look at Port Lincoln and look what we found to play with,I won the fight with this monster YEAH!!!Pauls' car done so let them Vans roll.

Port Lincoln National Park

Arrived at camping area early today and set up here for about 4 days while we wait for Pauls car to be fixed.

You wouldn't believe it but someone stole my hammock while I had a Nanna Nap,out here at Memory Cove.
Monday 16/1/12 We did some camp maintenance today,mainly just the boring stuff repacking car,van general check of everything.
Whats for Dinner to night?Well out comes the Baby Q on goes the LAMB &Vegies and we are having the roast with our mates Janice & Paul (and of course the BLOODY FLIES) washed down with a nice bottle of Wine from WA. As Kye said to me "This is the life Poppy!!"

Beautiful blue sky today 17/1/12 Kye off to dentist today to have some corrections done we are thinking of him.
Paul & I try our luck fishing this morning,results poor should have stayed home.Gail & Janice at camp reading.
On our return the girls decided to go for a walk to Flinder's Memorial which is an uphill track to the monument on the top of a hill very tiring this walk.

The view from here well worth the climb they told us,it was built by Descendants of Flinders in honour of what he had achieved.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

On to Port Lincoln

On arrival at Port Lincoln we went straight to car wash and removed dust and grime from car & van.We were happy to see our van shining again looked new.
Port Lincoln is the home town of the owners of one of Australia's famous race horse MAKYBE DIVA and the town has a statue of her on the town foreshore.

We stayed in van park,girls did washing wind blowing fierce again(or should I say still) today,line spinning fast clothes will dry quickly Janice said if we can keep them on the line.
Paul thinks the Patrol has a clutch problem,so he takes it to mechanic,bad news clutch needs replacing ok to drive but not towing,he makes arrangements to have it fixed,parts have to be ordered in looks like we be here a week.

The news on Paul's car not good when the parts arrive the car will be in workshop 3/4 days,these things happen but today is FRIDAY 13th.
We decide to move from van park to Port Lincoln National Park hopefully to an area protected from wind.
Sunday 15/1/12 We  head off early to look for campsites for the next week and find a place that has views and is protected from most of the wind looks good to us.
Took a drive out to Memory Cove,named after 6 sailors from Matthew Flinders boat who came ashore there looking for water but unfortunately drowned.

This yacht or sloop or whatever sailed in while we had lunch here,to envy of us all.Still cannot be to jealous because I couldn't sail it anyway.

Left Memory Cove and back to van park road very rough making travel slow we decide to pack up tonight and go to Park in the morning Monday 16/1/12

On the road again.

Wednesday 11/1/2012 We left early today doing lots of calling into Beaches on the way to Elliston,we found an interesting track called Cliff Top Drive and came across some interesting Sculpture.

Yes that pest is at it again, he may even grow up one day but don't count on it,moving on now we stopped for a group photo.

The views from the vantage points along the coast are truly great,our skills as Photographers again let this area down but a beautiful place we are fortunate enough to call HOME.

On the side of the road just a short distance from Elliston we found a bakery that bakes, a small amount of rolls, loaves of bread in a wood fired oven and is sold on the honour system, nobody works the stall, prices are $3.50 ea for everything and money is placed in box,if you arrive a little after lunch it's all gone.Word of mouth lets us know of this place.

You may be sure we enjoyed the offerings from here and never saw anybody other than more customers.
We drove on to a bush camp that was recommended to us and lets say it didn't make the grade and we didn't pass on its location to any one fees were by donation we left very small one.
The shirt says it all BUT thats when the GIRLS allow it !!!!!!!

Note the gloves on the man.This one is fresh as a daisy.FOXTEL sorry FOXTALE for the aerial only Gail wouldn't cut it off.

This is the bush camp known as Nationdale a drier camp we have yet to see,and looks nothing like the Brochure let me tell you!!!!!!!
We stayed at Coffin Bay National Park Thursday night but again nothing like Lucky Bay.