Sunday 19 February 2012

Port Lincoln National Park

Arrived at camping area early today and set up here for about 4 days while we wait for Pauls car to be fixed.

You wouldn't believe it but someone stole my hammock while I had a Nanna Nap,out here at Memory Cove.
Monday 16/1/12 We did some camp maintenance today,mainly just the boring stuff repacking car,van general check of everything.
Whats for Dinner to night?Well out comes the Baby Q on goes the LAMB &Vegies and we are having the roast with our mates Janice & Paul (and of course the BLOODY FLIES) washed down with a nice bottle of Wine from WA. As Kye said to me "This is the life Poppy!!"

Beautiful blue sky today 17/1/12 Kye off to dentist today to have some corrections done we are thinking of him.
Paul & I try our luck fishing this morning,results poor should have stayed home.Gail & Janice at camp reading.
On our return the girls decided to go for a walk to Flinder's Memorial which is an uphill track to the monument on the top of a hill very tiring this walk.

The view from here well worth the climb they told us,it was built by Descendants of Flinders in honour of what he had achieved.

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