Friday 29 July 2011

Litchfield-Adelaide River-Pine Creek-Katherine-Victoria River Roadhouse

Met a couple from Sydney Wendy&Chris exchanged email address.At Adelaide River thought we might stay at Showgrond but being early we decided to look at WW2 Cementry of those that died in the Territory during Jap bombing of Darwin and other raids 250 or so died in these raids but only whites were counted Indigenous and Chinese (for every white person there was 1000 others) emotional place for me and Gail anyway off to Pine Creek not much to do here but nice and quiet.Gail had a friendly puppy adopt her here a labrador female maybe 3-4 months old it turned up with someones thong and followed her about stayed for hours sitting at her side had she been there in the morning I AM SURE SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE BACK!!!no matter what,left early next day for Katherine to restock food and fuel etc.Back on the road 190 ks then pulled in and camped Victoria River Roadhouse servo with large area for staying either o`nite or however long met more travellers swapped information on trips, fuel prices places to stay etc

Day 2 Litchfield National Park

Thursday 27 July the day we had visiting Creeks,Falls and Swimming holes.Back to Wangi Falls still no swimming may open Saturday but we will have moved on by then.Off to Tolmer Falls short walk in but viewing only here nice but not spectacular.Off to Buley Rockhole,several small falls into pools deep enough to swim in but no diving.We spent sometime in here just cooling off MAGIC this a must see!!!As you can see we just dont like this lifestyle we just dont fit in but must soldier on anyway off to the next one,Florence Falls,thats the twin Falls taken from top,now down some 150 steps to bottom we found the best place we just sat on some rocks mid stream and had lunch.Then swam here surrounded by large fish that looked like black bream someone said they were called Sooty Grunters Iwouldnt know so took his word.Off to find Lost City we found it Gail said its only rocks they were supposed to resemble an ancient city I suppose if we had used imagination we could see that,long track in, 4WD,not worth going in, must have been spoilt at falls.

Litchfield National Park

This photo is not Litchfield I know but is a late inclusion from Darwins Beer Can Regatta and I believe it to be an entry from NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE Beach Hotel,anyway off to Litchfield,we past through a little town called Batchelor and on to Safari Camp I was a bit wary of it at first looked a bit run down website said $25 a night (on closer reading that was in 2007 yet to be updated) now $30 for power but being season for Nomads,Family Hols etc we now expect that.We had nice shady site so all good,we set up then off to Wangi Falls (no swimming closed because of crocs or current) not sure which
We did a walk around these falls only short 2ks through some rainforest over top to source of falls very pretty view from top shows type of terrain the country is hope to add one here.
There we go it worked!!! Getting better at this with practice.Anyway must move on next we drove on to Walker Creek there we found a walking trail along creek to 5 or so camping tent sites that you can book for various lengths of time for small fee all gear has to be carried in but you have beaut swimming hole at your door how good is that?( ok I liked the idea)we never stayed Gail wouldnt go and get gear while I minded the site,but as it was getting hot she found a swimming hole that we had to ourselves then back to camp.

B52 no not rock group but aeroplane

We went to Aviation Museum today Friday 15/7/11 lots of interesting exhibits here especially the B52 it is huge takes up whole hangar other aircraft fit under wings it was donated to Darwin by the USA.
Changed van parks Saturday could not stand planes coming and going from Darwin airport any longer.
We were lucky to be camped behind Roger and Nola.We had dinner at pub that night, nice.Wednesday night was xxxx stripper night but boys not allowed out,but we did get on it a bit ,the girls did a roast dinner truly GREAT thanks to you both (How many Brownie points)A top night was had by all.Left Rodger and Nola next day for Litchfield National Park.We will no doubt catch them up as we pass through SA next year so be ready!!!

Crocadylus Park

This croc is lucky he or she has been selected for breeding most are used for belts,bags,boots or burgers.There are hundreds of em here.We watched as they were fed a small section of meat,they are extremely fast & strong.The last photo is of a breeding croc not real pretty.

WW2 Museum and Oil Storage Tanks

Big day today all history,Gaols,Museum(Military WW2.Art,Cyclone Tracey etc)This shot inside oil storage tank all done under Darwin to protect from Jap bombings but finished too late they were beaten back earlier.Off to Darwin Harbour next passed Wave pool where man made waves are in motion you can ride your Boogey Board on great waves all day.
Now off to Fanny Bay Goal where Darwins most dangerous crims were sent,lots of hangings here.
Kristie's friends arranged for us to go on a night harbour cruise,it was fabulous,thanks to Gee & Anne.We had munchies on catamaran sailed out and back also had a byo drinkie.              

Gamblers Anon

We went to casino Monday 11/7/11 Seniors Day they gave us $5 each for joining $10 each for seniors Gail was given $10 because her Birthday was in July total of $40 to gamble with sorry to say we lost it all also had drink voucher each & Keno voucher not bad eh!!!Back at van Park I told neighbours off they went the following Monday,they won a cool $200 they never shared!!!!!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

guess who has just dropped in?

We were cruisin along one day in the merry month of July ... then whamo he just missed me.Thats my blue shirt bottom right corner [allegedly]

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Jabiru Camp

Oh no, not another sunrise/set Sorry pushed wrong button.We stayed only 2 days here doing R@R washing van,car and clothes quick look around town, short drive to Cahill Crossing amazed at number of people that have death wish and continue fishing in same areas at same time crocs have been known to wait patiently in these locations for a smorgasbord of fisher people and get the one they want no probs!!! Jabiru small town not much to see mine tours closed due to double WET season
Off to Darwin Sat 9th July see you there!!!
As you can see we are still learning how to do this we are back for the sunset spectacle simply amazing ok enough of this we will be back for the 'BREAKFAST CRUISE'
Cannot tell the difference, well i wont tell but i have put photos in reverse order only to say they are beautiful whenever they are seen.Why its called BREAKFAST CRUISE, we dont know because we had none, maybe because all the night animals had theirs.Now back to camp pack,and off to Jabiru

Yellow Waters Cruise-Kakadu

As we continued on the cruise we also saw numerous crocs.Our guide told us of a Ranger who wanted to do a count of croc population but after counting 233 in only 30 mins ( this was done at night when the eyes glow ) he gave up and went home.The sunset here was simply amazing.We returned to Cooinda to Nola & Rogers camp for a BBQ yummy after dinner off to the BIG screen to watch origin 3. What a bloody disaster husband against wife,mate against mate (Roger came out of the closet claims he is a Maroon supporter) yea sure you are Roger!!!There we were surrounded by at least 300 screaming Queenslanders and Gail and Wayne plus about 15 MIGHTY BLUES supporters getting our bums belted what a night to forget!!! 

Yellow Waters Cruise-Kakadu

After returning to camp we went on Sunset Cruise through billabong into sections of Alligator River (incorrectly named by surveyor who mistook crocs for alligators) absolutely amazing area brumbies,numerous species of birds from Jabirus nesting in top branches of tall trees ground dwelling birds such as ducks,egrets etc.

Katherine to Darwin

We left Katherine for Kakadu on Tuesday 5th July camped in national park at Mardugal showers and water here,drove around to Cooinda to look around the resort, we found the bar and pool,also caught up with Roger & Nola, friends we have made on our trip,they paid us a return visit for Happy Hour Nola left very HAPPY!!!!
Walked to local billabong only about 1km each way very pretty.
Wednesday off to Jim Jim falls about 50km from camp took 2 hours on gravel road corrugated & dusty then drive on bush track, some shallow water crossings then walk to falls through bush,over rocks and boulders but on reaching falls we found pools and sandy beach that made effort to get there well worth trip.

Monday 4 July 2011

Its not really me

Ok today is my girls birthday and i asked her what she would like she said peace and quiet so we went for a walk then i asked what she would lke to do out here all alone just us together she said she would like to tie me up smiling i agreed now i am all alone on this bloody rock she has gone home.She will come back? Wont she? OKjokes aside packing up this afternoon for early start Tuesday off to Kakadu.Dinner tonight with Brad Nic Josh will post resuts of this tomorrow

Sunday 3 July 2011

Edith Falls Later on

This pool fed from Edith Falls above looks good yeah!!!!!

Katherine Edith Falls

Today we walked to falls swam there and walked some more Gail knackered me not to bad Dinner to night with friends Roger and Nola We have birthday tomorrow for Gail more to follow on this one!!!!!