Tuesday 12 July 2011

Yellow Waters Cruise-Kakadu

As we continued on the cruise we also saw numerous crocs.Our guide told us of a Ranger who wanted to do a count of croc population but after counting 233 in only 30 mins ( this was done at night when the eyes glow ) he gave up and went home.The sunset here was simply amazing.We returned to Cooinda to Nola & Rogers camp for a BBQ yummy after dinner off to the BIG screen to watch origin 3. What a bloody disaster husband against wife,mate against mate (Roger came out of the closet claims he is a Maroon supporter) yea sure you are Roger!!!There we were surrounded by at least 300 screaming Queenslanders and Gail and Wayne plus about 15 MIGHTY BLUES supporters getting our bums belted what a night to forget!!! 

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