Friday 29 July 2011

Litchfield-Adelaide River-Pine Creek-Katherine-Victoria River Roadhouse

Met a couple from Sydney Wendy&Chris exchanged email address.At Adelaide River thought we might stay at Showgrond but being early we decided to look at WW2 Cementry of those that died in the Territory during Jap bombing of Darwin and other raids 250 or so died in these raids but only whites were counted Indigenous and Chinese (for every white person there was 1000 others) emotional place for me and Gail anyway off to Pine Creek not much to do here but nice and quiet.Gail had a friendly puppy adopt her here a labrador female maybe 3-4 months old it turned up with someones thong and followed her about stayed for hours sitting at her side had she been there in the morning I AM SURE SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE BACK!!!no matter what,left early next day for Katherine to restock food and fuel etc.Back on the road 190 ks then pulled in and camped Victoria River Roadhouse servo with large area for staying either o`nite or however long met more travellers swapped information on trips, fuel prices places to stay etc

1 comment:

  1. Good posts Wayne. R U sure Gail hasn't been helping U?
