Sunday 23 October 2011


This memorial is really touching,it commemorates the loss of life in WW2 of all the crew on the Sydney some 642 of them lost in a battle with a German Surface Raider.All the names are listed on the walls at the rear of shrine.The lady is waiting for her husband,brother,son etc to return.
View overlooking Geraldton
Next off to Cathedral to look around,we wanted to do a tour here but as usual for us either too early or too  late so we ducked in on our own not bad but all starting to look the same now.
Wed 5/10 Still waiting for shields to arrive,their purpose is to keep car cool in summer and cover windows to keep prying eyes out,drove out to Ellendale Pool so nice out there we have decided to leave Geraldton on Thursday and drive back on Friday to see if they arrived.Judith and Ross moved on to Jurian Bay ahead of us so we say good bye to them yet again.
Windfarm to produce electricity
These towers are computer controlled,when wind blows to fast they shut down,blades are 82 metres in dia etc more info on this board(may need to enlarge photo)
Thursday6/10 Leaving today at 9 00am getting worried about Solar Shields,first call will be PO.
Yeah!!! Parcel arrived all good.They are very well made,do great job.
We have decide to move on to Lake Indoon not far from Jurian,National Park stay on side of Lake,about 6 other vans here some long term,some overnighters we thought we would stay a couple of days.
Whoa!!That's a whole lot better.
A tad blowy here people,and the flies are great as well,so we decided to leave them behind and do a Cave visit,unfortunately flies followed us.
Stockyard Gulley Cave entrance.
This cave was formed along time ago by water running through hillside and eroding away the softer rock limestone I think.
Inside the cave
Other explorers inside
We found that you can run from the BLOODY flies but cannot escape them.
After the cave we moved to visit Greenhead and Leeman both small cray fishing villages,as it is not cray season here yet not much happening.Have tried to buy crayfish( fresh ones) but not available some frozen ones are,but again like most things most are sold overseas.
These beauties are nesting along beach at Leeman.
In the street here the locals have erected a pole and built a small platform on top and the rest they say is history, a great idea .
He looks at home here
Back to Indoon wind blowing still, Flies appear to have multiplied had enough here beautiful place but enough is enough.Off to Jurian Bay tomorrow.

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