Saturday 8 October 2011

Denham-Monkey Mia

We arrived at Denham around 6 00pm,had to stay in drive thru site as we arrived too late to get on our allocated site,no problem,will move tomorrow.
Moved to site,set up van,had a drive around town,took about 30mins,now what do we do?I know off to the pub,ok had 2 or 3 there back to van.Read book and rested for remainder of day(This travelling sure gets tiring).
Up early Saturday 24/9 off to Monkey Mia to see Dolphins with Judith & Ross must be there 7 30am .Every thing out here you want to see here has fee we get concessions now I am a SENIOR(thanks Pete we now have saved HEAPS).The Ranger that gives info on Dolphins made us aware of changes to what we could do and what we couldn't,now you are not to touch them,feeding is restricted to a small fish each time so that they don't become dependent on the handouts,etc.
Family groups come in mainly Mothers only about 7 or 8 though. Males stay out in Bay and do Blokey things.One young male came in while we were there,put on quite a show.Kids young and old loved it.
Here they come now,look but don't touch

These are not tame but wild animals.
Oh! Come on give me a kiss!
This would have to be the best job.
Out of a crowd of about 200 people that morning Gail was chosen to feed a Dolphin named Piccolo,she was really excited and cameras made ready for that KODAK moment, but Piccolo decided she was not hungry,very disappointed we were that she would not eat from Gails hand.
So close
What a privilege to be here and witness the trust these wonderful animals have in us,this is a DEFINITE must on anyones BUCKET list,so many photos so little space here.
Meet Piccolo the not so hungry Dolphin.

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