Sunday 7 August 2011

Victoria River Roadhouse - Lake Argyle

After moving on from Vic River roadhouse we free camped at Saddlers Creek,40 or more vans,camper trailers here place filled up rapidly around mid afternoon,lots of happy campers here, toilets filthy lucky we have our own.Next morning off to Lake Argyle,crossed border into W.A.,van and car inspected by Quarantine Inspector making sure we had no fruit,vegies,honey etc on board arrived at Border and was told of time change 1 1/2 hours(1.5 hours) we are now 2hours behind Newcastle(Eastern States) time.
   This is view of dam that holds water of Lake Argyle,truly a beautiful place, in the outback.
In the foreground you can see the Infinity Pool that suggeststhat it goes on forever,water not a problem here there Lake goes on for kilometres(almost said miles & miles but would show my age)Gail had aggravated her knee so we could not do any walking.Lovely sunsets from the pool.
There are tourist boats here that can take groups out for day trips.Beautiful picnic grounds at base of dam wall,also small hydro-electric plant here.First photo should be here,showing colours of the sunset again,but you see how beaut it is We will come back to Lake Argyle again if not soon then later,a must see!!!We leave here Thursday 28/7/11 for Kununnara.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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