Friday 30 September 2011

Hamlin Pool-Steep Point-Denham

                                                         Who is that back there? Not Roy Orbison!!!
Left early again to go to Hamelin Pool to stay for a few nights,we are doing day trip to Steep Point tomorrow,we thought we would save 200ks staying here by not going into Denham.Set up in van park not really a van park more like a gravel car park,tried to get dish working again (failed again).Off to office to get key to Museum (not really a museum though)$10 ea we were told. ok then lets go!Oh sorry need 4 to go to make it worthwhile she said. I said $20 is better than $0. she said Guide won't go with less than 4. Isaid It's not like he is really busy at the moment. she said (well you get the message). Never saw it! Guess she won that one.What was museum about I hear you ask well we think it held info about the overland telegraph as Hamelin Pool was an old Telegraph Station.
We decided to do a short walk to the beach to see the Stromatolites,they are apparently an organism (not to be confused with an ORGASM) that makes oxygen and that made it possible for other species of life to evolve they are squillions of years old.
Shell Quarry at Hamelin Pool
The shell was quarried in the early days to be used as building blocks for homes, sheds etc.The blocks are solid and cut with crosscut saw( you know push pull saw) mature people would remember "well maybe".still used today for maintaining some of the historical buildings around here.
Another beaut sunset.
Off to Steep Point today.Why I hear you ask?Because it is the Western Most Point on the Australian Mainland.As we have already been to Cape York (Northern Most Point),Byron Bay (Most Easterly Point on Mainland) it would not be right not to go.Would it?
The 100ks was excellent gravel road it was maintained by a company that operated a salt mine at a place called Useless Loop,takes about an hour to do this,BUT THE NEXT 50ks took us almost 2 hrs, sections of this track could be as bad as road to Cape.
Section of track into Steep Point
Love this country out here.( Pete Maaate you just have to try it )Very narrow and winding track met people towing boats a couple of times had to reverse to find a spot to let them pass,some families with kids, mostly blokes on fishing trips.
Arrived at Rangers house to register and was met by friendly staff member,a bit lay back though we thought.
Sorry can't help watching Lassie"She is my kinda girl' WOOF!
Thank you we will be off then,OK you all come back again you hear,sorry to disturb you Gail said That's OK I have it on PAWS (Oh! your so clever)Ha!Ha!Now what did we really come for?
Pristine Waters
She loves out here
Home Wayne and don't spare the 'Cruiser
When we arrived back at van we found that the generator at van park had died hence no power so we packed up and left for Denham.We met up with Kerry and Barb again they were going to Kalbarrie, promised to catch up there.We arrived at Denham too late to book in stayed on site will book in tomorrow.

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