Friday 2 December 2011

Cosy Corner-Albany

Hello any one there? Oh well lets go Gail must be 5 o'clock soon and we all know what that means HAPPY HOUR !!!!
Top Spot this.
The trees here are very low and care must be taken when reversing into site, a good guide is also needed,one that is calm,and cool under pressure Gail is a great guide,but sometimes yells a bit.We had some young backpackers (about 6) in a small van attempting to manouver into a site narrowly missing low branches and tree trunks (female at the wheel) you just have be there to see the antics.Visitors from all over seeing our Great Country mainly young people if thier Mums & Dads could see them sometimes how they eat where they sleep,mostly great young people living the dream.
This area known as the Gap
Met a group of Qlders yes more of 'em at Cosy Corner Ron & Wendy,Greg & Delys,again good company we are sure that we will meet up in SA after Xmas.It was Ron who suggested that we fit a timer to battery charger that stuffed up.
Greg arrived at van after dinner tonight with a bottle of Port great stuff that not much left now will have to replace it.Great bloke lives in the land of BUNDY RUM my favourite Elixer.Sad when they left though.

Million Dollar Views.

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