Saturday 31 December 2011

More of home time

Saturday night Shaun's 21st,great to catch up with family in one place,certainly made it easy to see everyone thanks Shaun,first time brother Mark has shouted beer glad to have had some thanks Bro!
Kye and cousin Vespa.
Parade of stars.
All too quick;ly time flies,caught up with Pete for beers cause he was THIRSTY caught up with Pete and Paul cause they were THIRSTY.Dinner with Sheree and Steve great to see the sisters really missed eachother.
Called in to see workmates not knowing what to expect,had the best welcome back,good to know we were not forgotten,hugs from the girls great to see Tess back on the job.As Arnie said I'LL BE BACK.So look out!
Gail also welcomed back by the girls,had a night with them OH! WHAT A NIGHT!!!
To those that we missed we were truly sorry but we just couldn't get around everyone.Hope you understand.

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