Friday 2 December 2011

Cosy Corner

Top spot this.
Saturday 12/11 moved on to day shortest distance of entire trip about 30 metres not kilometres just to get a better spot more sun than previous site,but still well protected from the BLOODY WIND.It has been windy ever since we arrived in the lower half of the state WA WINDY ALWAYS.Lets hope it gets better when we return(guess we will complain about temp,humidity etc).
On to Denmark for sightseeing,Parry Beach cheap camping here but packed out,may return Tuesday with van.
Sunday 13/11 We went into Albany today to see Boat Shed Markets same as Growers Markets a bit disappointed thought we would be able to get some fresh fish here but most was frozen,seems like it is all exported overseas.
Returned to van and went for walk on beach wind got up very blowy so back to van for read
Tuesday 15/11 Back to Albany today look around the town,refuel car, general shop in preparation for move on tomorrow.HOME in 7 DAYS looking forward to seeing family.
Wednesday 16/11 onto Walpole to do Tree Top Walk good to be on the move again I am not one for staying in one spot when there is so much to see.
Gail in the Valley of the Giants

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