Saturday 31 December 2011

Quinns Rocks -Esperance

Thursday 18/11 We are still getting used to time change again arrived Quinns Rocks set up here maybe 3 days.
Wind blowing again today Friday hope it drops soon makes it uncomfortable at times.
This is us set up awning rolled up wind still blowing.
Saturday 10/12/11 Ediths Birthday Gail made early morning call she is having a good day today.
We decided we had had enough time here so off to Esperance tomorrow,we may stay Pinjarra overnight.
Arrived to find markets in full swing,decide to travel on though to overnight stay near Albany called Martup Pool no pool here though had to ourselves large area could fit 50 vans here.Left early to return to Albany to get gas,do shopping etc.
Then on to Bremmer Bay van park,we will stay 2 days here.
Bremmer Bay coast.
Yes you guessed it BLOWING LIKE A B@#?*^:( again and just to add to the upset RAINING as well.
Fleet anchored in Bay.
Hoping weather improves as we leave for Esperance to go to Cape Le Grande National Park.

Back to Perth -New Norcia

Tuesday 6/12/11 My how time flies arrived back in Perth after doing reverse trip at 3.15pm Perth time,bumpy ride into airport definetly not to my liking.Kept on plane waiting to get off for about 45 mins at least we were on ground.
Stayed with Kay & Harry what lovely people Kay had baked dinner waiting lovely.We had small gifts for both of them as they would not take money for storage of van.Everybody happy.
Off to New Norcia to look at Benedictine Monastery and pick up some Port.The monks have been here since the mid 1800's they numbered about 100 in thier hey day now about 8 they expect 2 more to arrive at xmas,they are taking applications now fellas so if you want a quite life come on down.
Beautiful artwork here.
Eerie this statue.
Happy Hour at pub here beautiful building had wine tasting dinner bought Port and headed off to bed leaving early in the morning for Quinns Rocks.

More of home time

Saturday night Shaun's 21st,great to catch up with family in one place,certainly made it easy to see everyone thanks Shaun,first time brother Mark has shouted beer glad to have had some thanks Bro!
Kye and cousin Vespa.
Parade of stars.
All too quick;ly time flies,caught up with Pete for beers cause he was THIRSTY caught up with Pete and Paul cause they were THIRSTY.Dinner with Sheree and Steve great to see the sisters really missed eachother.
Called in to see workmates not knowing what to expect,had the best welcome back,good to know we were not forgotten,hugs from the girls great to see Tess back on the job.As Arnie said I'LL BE BACK.So look out!
Gail also welcomed back by the girls,had a night with them OH! WHAT A NIGHT!!!
To those that we missed we were truly sorry but we just couldn't get around everyone.Hope you understand.

Home now

Wed 23/11 caught up with Gabe and family today our neighbours good to see them all.Dentist appointments,Doctors and Taxman all get a call and visit somethings never change.
We went to kyes Book Club day at his school today and he was glad to see us there.

Harry Potter eat ya heart out!!!!!.

Thursday visited Mums had good visit with Edith,saw Joan,Mum glad to see her looking well.Getting ready for Wedding keeping eye on weather ceremony to be held on Redhead Beach if ok.
What a beautiful Bride!!!!!
Bride and sister Samantha
I was MC at the wedding what an honour for me hope I never let them down.Lots of Jays secrets let out here much to his discomfort and our pleasure.Breakfast next morning,Kate had some photos of wedding night yes you guessed it Jay crashed out not a pretty sight nor what she expected.

Off Home

Ater COMPLETING climb of Gloucester Tree we headed for van park at Forrestfield,a 400k day knees have stopped shaking now.
Who is a pretty boy?
Friday 18/11/2011 til Sunday 20/11 Washing of clothes ,car, van etc before moving on to Cardup and HOME,Had lunch with Ross and Robbie great to catch up and compare travels.
Scarborough Beach.
Drove to Scarborough Beach to have a look it we were disappointed on arrival wind blowing hard sand flying every where,would nice here on a good day.
We are leaving van at Kay & Harry's place,and car at van park $5/day locked in compound Value!!!!
Monday 21/11 Mum/Joans Birthday will catch up when we get back to Newy.
Homeward Bound
Tuesday 22/11 Up at 5, left Kay & Harrys at 6,picked up cab at 7,off to airport,flight left at 9.15am WA time arrived 4.15 pm EST NSW time on to train at Airport then to Central change trains onto Cardiff at 8.15pm.Welcomed home by  Kye&Kris, Ellie Jess &Nat,Josh,what a welcome some hugs kisses and tears.Kris had cold beers waiting what a great idea much appreciated.

Friday 2 December 2011

Shannon National Park -Gloucester Tree

Wednesday 16/11 Into the trees today doing walk in trees.Quite high up here but good to be close to birds in the trees.
Hang on Gail!!!
Some of the oldest and tallest Jarrah trees in the local area can be found here.When we came into car park here there were hundreds of Harley Davidson Motorcycles here.The owners were from a Sydney Chapter of Harley owners doing a trip to Margaret River to meet up with other owners.
Look out here she comes!!!
At Shannon,we arrive late afternoon more rain,amazed at size of camping area,great amenities, hot showers even though we must light boiler to heat water,timber supplied thank goodness,met a chap named Lindsey who was about to chop the wood he was a bit dangerous with the axe as he has PARKINSONS and as he said IF I GET THE SHAKES RIGHT I CAN HIT THE BASTARD what a nice bloke but an accident waiting to happen!!!
Thursday 17/11 off Pemberton to see the Gloucester Tree a tall tree that was used to spot forest fires in the days before aircraft were used to do this.
The Gloucester Tree is about 64 metres high and to get to the viewing platform you can climb on the steel rods that are embedded into the trunk just like a spiral staircase to the top a daunting task but just had to give it a go.

Stairway to the Top.

Cosy Corner

Top spot this.
Saturday 12/11 moved on to day shortest distance of entire trip about 30 metres not kilometres just to get a better spot more sun than previous site,but still well protected from the BLOODY WIND.It has been windy ever since we arrived in the lower half of the state WA WINDY ALWAYS.Lets hope it gets better when we return(guess we will complain about temp,humidity etc).
On to Denmark for sightseeing,Parry Beach cheap camping here but packed out,may return Tuesday with van.
Sunday 13/11 We went into Albany today to see Boat Shed Markets same as Growers Markets a bit disappointed thought we would be able to get some fresh fish here but most was frozen,seems like it is all exported overseas.
Returned to van and went for walk on beach wind got up very blowy so back to van for read
Tuesday 15/11 Back to Albany today look around the town,refuel car, general shop in preparation for move on tomorrow.HOME in 7 DAYS looking forward to seeing family.
Wednesday 16/11 onto Walpole to do Tree Top Walk good to be on the move again I am not one for staying in one spot when there is so much to see.
Gail in the Valley of the Giants

Cosy Corner-Albany

Hello any one there? Oh well lets go Gail must be 5 o'clock soon and we all know what that means HAPPY HOUR !!!!
Top Spot this.
The trees here are very low and care must be taken when reversing into site, a good guide is also needed,one that is calm,and cool under pressure Gail is a great guide,but sometimes yells a bit.We had some young backpackers (about 6) in a small van attempting to manouver into a site narrowly missing low branches and tree trunks (female at the wheel) you just have be there to see the antics.Visitors from all over seeing our Great Country mainly young people if thier Mums & Dads could see them sometimes how they eat where they sleep,mostly great young people living the dream.
This area known as the Gap
Met a group of Qlders yes more of 'em at Cosy Corner Ron & Wendy,Greg & Delys,again good company we are sure that we will meet up in SA after Xmas.It was Ron who suggested that we fit a timer to battery charger that stuffed up.
Greg arrived at van after dinner tonight with a bottle of Port great stuff that not much left now will have to replace it.Great bloke lives in the land of BUNDY RUM my favourite Elixer.Sad when they left though.

Million Dollar Views.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Albany - Remembrance Day

Friday 11/11/11 Remembrance Day We attended the sevice in the Park at Albany to day solemn and emotional for us as it always is means something to Gail and me maybe because we are a tad patriotic and we want our country to remain forever AUSTRALIAN sadly too many overseas problems being imported here.
Whale World across the Bay.
Whale World is about Australias involvement in the Whaling Industry,Hunting Killing,Processing of the Whale,which ceased here 1978,it is an amazing exhibit also very informative.
Australia ceased whaling when it became unprofitable because price for and demand for whale oil etc dropped.
Gail the hunter.
The whaling company that operated here now runs the exhibit,its very informative and expensive I think especially for families.Skeletons of whales and dolphins that have died of natural causes are on display.
Dolphin Skeleton.
Guess who she is having for dinner?
Gail at play!!!!

Albany - Cosy Corner

This is the harbour that was used to assemble the ships to take ANZACS to war,there were rows upon rows of them.
A friendly native.
The Lizard above lies on the pathways around the lookouts here warming themselves during the day.
Seals are common around the Marina.
When we first went sightseeing here,the camera battery went flat so that meant we had to retrace our steps to get the photos we needed.
Garden at Tourist Information Office Albany.
Take time to smell the Roses.

Cosy Corner-Albany

Wednesday 9/11 Left Fremantle behind today,headed South as planned not sure how far we will get.Drove the full day arrived at Cosy Corner a free camp toilets only, so you must be self sufficient as in power water etc.this camp was 400 ks from Fremantle and approx 30ks from ALBANY (pronounced if you please AL-BANY not ALLBANY) unless you want to annoy LOCALS which is good FUN they get really Pissed Off.
Local Gate crasher at HAPPY HOUR.
This little pest dropped in every day,very friendly,wanting to be fed which is not good for them but some just cannot resist the cute antics of this one,its a Bandicoot,by the way,one afternoon he brought a friend along we stopped feeding them at this stage, so they stopped calling.
This guy has a stumpy tail probably lost in a fight at one time.
As you see camp is protected from wind as we are only a short distance from beach,great location,you can stay here 7 days free no charge as you would expect very popular with travellers,Backpackers,Mobilehomes,Campertrailers all types of rigs large and small.Sites at a premium here if you move it you lose it.Caravans a good here drive your car into ALBANY for a day your site is still there when you get back,take your Motorhome into town and some one takes your site you then wait for them to move,so the game goes on .

A man and his Castle.
As our Grandson said THIS IS THE LIFE POPPY.
Thursday 10/11 Into Albany today sightseeing plenty to see here.Memorial to LIGHTHORSEMEN who left to go to EGYPT in WW1 it was the place they left Australia from lots of ships anchored here to take ANZACS to Gallopi and eventually France.
Lighthorse Monument

Coogee- Freemantle

Saturday 5/11 Nothing doing today just catching our breath you know how it is need to catch up on maintenance both van & car.
Sunday 6/11 Off to Fremantle Markets today Nat rang us to tell his GOOD news,he PROPOSED to Jess, and she ACCEPTED yes the Lege finally crumbled.Our wishes go out to them for a long and happy life together, we are extremely happy for them,just goes to show you never know whats comin' up next.
off to Avon Valley to find a spot to stay but not suitable for us.Decided to head South.
This Tank inside seafood shop in Fremantle.
Monday 7/11 Roast dinner tonight yummy.Have to eat well even if we are travelling.
We have developed a battery problem in van and decided to have it checked before heading South,so we take it to dealer who does necessary checks as you would expect for us battery checks out OK,after process of elimination the charger seems to be culprit,off to auto electrician,Mate he said never had a problem with this brand before Maate I said if there is a faulty one then you put money on it being ours,after testing he found that when charger had battery up to full charge it wouldn't turn off and kept pushing more power into battery no cheap solution here I thought so when van on power I would keep eye on it and turn off when ready,no problem,You would think I could think of a remedy myself but no a bloke I met at a camp site down South said "Wayne why don't you go to BUNNINGS and buy a 24hr timer problem solved run power during HAPPY HOUR and you don't have to get up and check it's done for you" What a
LEGEND.Into BUNNINGS next day no more problems.Will have to replace when we get home though.
Self Portraits dont always do us justice!!