Tuesday 29 November 2011

Cosy Corner-Albany

Wednesday 9/11 Left Fremantle behind today,headed South as planned not sure how far we will get.Drove the full day arrived at Cosy Corner a free camp toilets only, so you must be self sufficient as in power water etc.this camp was 400 ks from Fremantle and approx 30ks from ALBANY (pronounced if you please AL-BANY not ALLBANY) unless you want to annoy LOCALS which is good FUN they get really Pissed Off.
Local Gate crasher at HAPPY HOUR.
This little pest dropped in every day,very friendly,wanting to be fed which is not good for them but some just cannot resist the cute antics of this one,its a Bandicoot,by the way,one afternoon he brought a friend along we stopped feeding them at this stage, so they stopped calling.
This guy has a stumpy tail probably lost in a fight at one time.
As you see camp is protected from wind as we are only a short distance from beach,great location,you can stay here 7 days free no charge as you would expect very popular with travellers,Backpackers,Mobilehomes,Campertrailers all types of rigs large and small.Sites at a premium here if you move it you lose it.Caravans a good here drive your car into ALBANY for a day your site is still there when you get back,take your Motorhome into town and some one takes your site you then wait for them to move,so the game goes on .

A man and his Castle.
As our Grandson said THIS IS THE LIFE POPPY.
Thursday 10/11 Into Albany today sightseeing plenty to see here.Memorial to LIGHTHORSEMEN who left to go to EGYPT in WW1 it was the place they left Australia from lots of ships anchored here to take ANZACS to Gallopi and eventually France.
Lighthorse Monument

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