Monday 30 January 2012

Streaky Bay

We came upon the small harbour here at Smokey Bay to find the compulsory Jetty or wharf that every town seems to have along the coastline,they are mostly of timber construction some are concrete but are always hosting fisherfolk.
                                                  More of the Biggest Bite on the Continent
Sunday 8/1/12 Arrived Streaky Bay Van Park set up, beaut fishing village here Paul cannot wait to wet a line as he loves to fish so tomorrow we will be up early to catch the BIGGUN,off the jetty.
Stayed only a few days here because of the bloody wind that's still blowing.We did catch up with Ron & Wendy at Rons brothers place we met them at Cosy Corner in WA,they were travelling with friends Delys and Greg who I really wanted to see,they had gone home to Bundaberg and were not back when we left,but will catch up somewhere.
I did manage to catch a good size Flathead when using our crab pot,Paul did say "I have never seen that in all the time I have been fishing"

We did a tourist drive around the area out to see Sealion Colony at Port Labatt onto Murphy's Haystack had to be Irish because they were only rocks that from a distance may have resembled haystacks(no photos to show camera flat sorry).Girls visited Museum at Streaky did shopping in preparation to get moving tomorrow.


Well the golf did what it is meant to do,and that's to slow down the drive,get us into fresh air and relax not sure if the relax part worked because frustration moved in at times but the FUN side certainly worked.
                                                            Sunset on Bay at Ceduna.
Another SPLURGE tonight Dinner at Hotel a treat after having crossed the Nullabor and eaten the pantry in van almost dry.We shared a seafood platter for two and it was to die for (almost).Paul completed the DVD and what an epic.We spent Happy Hour watching the antics and cacking ourselves.Washing done and shopping completed moving on to Streaky Bay tomorrow.
                                                 View along the Great Australian Bight
                                                           The Bookends on Tour
Not sure if these girls have the same Dad but they stick together like sisters would always backing each other up at Happy Hour discussions:)                                                       

Sunday 29 January 2012

Nullabor Links Golf and Crossing the Nullabor.ALMOST THERE

Friday 6/1/2012 Arrived Ceduna early today to complete golf at golf club here not sure what to expect.
                                                        What's that over the fence? Houses!!!
I lost my favourite tee so I had to improvise,and use what was available,clever,Boos heard from gallery were heard,sour grapes I reckon.
                                          More improvising can you see my new putter?

Scores on this hole Gail 7 strokes Wayne also 8 strokes competion heating going into last hole.
Sorry everyone Denial Bay 17th hole so Oyster Beds 18th my error,scores correct though.
Scores for Denial Bay Gail 10 strokes Wayne 10 strokes.Scores for last 9 holes a respectable total of  Gail 78 Wayne 78 that may sound like a terrible effort and IT IS but all EXCUSES or REASONS we can come up with such as BLAH! BLAH! We are proud to have completed another challenge and now thanks to Paul we have a DVD to show all.It may also be purchased through you normal stores.
                                                The last fairway so farewell to our golf!!!
The worlds longest golf course 18 holes par 72 spans 1,365 Ks along the Eyre Highway from Kalgoorlie in WA to Ceduna in SA,you are issued with a scorecard at the start and have it stamped at each town or roadhouse near hole you played at completion you present card to visitor centre and receive completion certificate as a momento.
Our Certificates show Gail 158 strokes Wayne 155

Nullabor Links Golf and Crossing the Nullabor.Still!!!

                                                              Our first view of the Bight.
                                                             Spectactular Cliff Views.
                                                        Good Morning World.
Another day and what a start,not sure what the rest will bring but we will struggle to get through it like good little campers.
                                                                 Nullabor Roadhouse.

                                                             Preparations before hit off.

Not quite clubhouse conditions here but we perservere for the good of the game,this hole has an airstrip off to one side,we paused and let a small plane takeoff in case heaven forbid something untoward happened like a ball going off the fairway.
Scores on this hole Gail 10 strokes Wayne 9 both players gave it thier best again,two more to play today so we move onto Nundroo (not sure where it is well just google it thats your assignment for today).

Lovely hole this one same as the rest rocks,boulders, trees and grass (not real grass though) all over found some balls here lost some as well.
                                                    Up over the hill we go to find green.

                                                     This player is being heckled by Gallery!!
Tactics now come to the fore here as Ladies give advice to the opposition to put them off thier game.
Scores here today Gail 8 strokes girl played an excellent game here today.
                        Wayne  7 strokes I played a brilliant game under pressure from gallery.

This is hole number 16 on the course at Penong Scores here are consistent as the rest challenging to say the least.

                                                        All poise and concentration.
Janice here is putting here like a professional,she is Gails tutor as she has played a little golf before,a friend we have made on this trip along with her husband Paul.
Scores on this hole Gail 9 strokes Wayne 9 strokes so there is still harmony in the home at this time!!
Free camp again 36 Ks from Ceduna.Happy Hour,dinner asleep early after a big day on the course.

Nullabor Links Golf and Crossing the Nullabor.Still!!!

Wednesday 4/1/2012 Another overnight camp amazingly most times empty when you pull in but after a short while campers start to arrive,all age groups,all types of vehicles,vans,cars,motorhomes large and small,also tents pop up,cooking aromas waft across the area.We have never had a problem camping out like this everybody has been great so far.
                                               Pretty sure this hole named after the Girls.
We played this hole at Eucla,Scores here Gail 7 Wayne also 7 so another draw played out  must check the score sheet in future (Gail wouldn't falsify the score).
This hole also doubles as a RIFLE AND CLAY TARGET RANGE so when you play here be careful please as you must watch out for locals who just love to BLOW the best ball to bits.
The NYMPHETTES clearly won this one although the sheets were immediately taken away and checked by course officials namely Wayne & Paul.The Ladies were awarded a cold stubby each which again taken away by officials and consumed by them much to the horror of the NYMPHETTES.
Moving on after minor disturbance from LADIES about disappearance of the trophy.we arrived at the next hole being number 13,on the SA Border so farewell to Western Australia and thanks for the memories.
                                                                                                                    Thats the Fairway between trees.                                        

This another hole where the teams both lost balls,thier pride and reputations in the dirt and dust that made up this HOLE and being 13th you could expect nothing less.

We saw the ocean and smelt the sea air here the first time since leaving Lucky Bay (that piece of paradise)we left a short while ago.But back to the Golf where the scores are Gail 7 strokes Wayne 6
a BLOODY fine effort by both players today.

Nullabor Links Golf and Crossing the Nullabor.Still!!!

                                                         Another Sunrise on the Nullabor.
Wednesday 4/1/2012 Up early for another day travelling and golfing (will be glad to get back to work)
Off we go again this time to Madura almost half way across the Nullabor.
                                                       Wayne and Paul approaching Tee.
                                                        Is that the Fairway? Yep that's it!!!
Straight through there,where's that caddy gone,tension now rising amongst the players as conditions have thier effect on them,but we must play on.
Scores on this hole Gail 8 strokes Wayne 10 Strokes had a blow out here(not sure if I counted all swings)
Move on quickly now other teams starting to gather behind us muttering something nasty about our skills,and Janice and Gails language on the greens (something about illegitimate children everywhere).
Mundrabilla next hole.
Even the Flying Doctor uses the Highway as an Emergency Landing Strip,they have these sections of Highway so the locals can have access to this splendid Service,a must have for remote areas.

Hole 11 not much to say about this hole other than "groundstaff have done as much here as just about every other hole"but the GOLF must go on ".

Lovely form shown here by myself, when I learn to swing correctly I may even hit the ball.
Scores on this hole Gail 12 Wayne 12 a rare draw here.
Janice presents the winners trophy to the Nullabor Nice Guys a Chocolate Bar each (as if they need it)

Nullabor Links Golf and Crossing the Nullabor.

Tuesday 3/1/12 Raining and a bit chilly now at Caiguna,thought we may not get this hole in but the GODS OF GOLF let us through to play.
Yes it's true all that way and not a turn oh! well lets set the cruise control and play cards.Had Brekky here put the rain gear on and played.
                                                       The Dynamic Duo on the Road.
Scores here at the 8th hole Gail 11 strokes she played well under trying circumstances,and so good coaching.                        Wayne  7  strokes played extremely well even if I say so myself.
Moving on to last hole for today at Cocklebiddly.

  You need the Heart of an Eagle to play this hole,I must have a chicken heart because this hole was a bit difficult to play as the scores here show Gail 6 strokes Wayne 8 strokes.
Lots of giggles,naughty words but all good friends after this hole,another free roadside camp tonight,we tallied the score for first nine and here they are Gail 80 Wayne 77.

Thats the course at Eagles Nest pretty sure most of it would be called "Playing In The Rough".What you say Pete?