Sunday 29 January 2012

Nullabor Links Golf and Crossing the Nullabor.Still!!!

Wednesday 4/1/2012 Another overnight camp amazingly most times empty when you pull in but after a short while campers start to arrive,all age groups,all types of vehicles,vans,cars,motorhomes large and small,also tents pop up,cooking aromas waft across the area.We have never had a problem camping out like this everybody has been great so far.
                                               Pretty sure this hole named after the Girls.
We played this hole at Eucla,Scores here Gail 7 Wayne also 7 so another draw played out  must check the score sheet in future (Gail wouldn't falsify the score).
This hole also doubles as a RIFLE AND CLAY TARGET RANGE so when you play here be careful please as you must watch out for locals who just love to BLOW the best ball to bits.
The NYMPHETTES clearly won this one although the sheets were immediately taken away and checked by course officials namely Wayne & Paul.The Ladies were awarded a cold stubby each which again taken away by officials and consumed by them much to the horror of the NYMPHETTES.
Moving on after minor disturbance from LADIES about disappearance of the trophy.we arrived at the next hole being number 13,on the SA Border so farewell to Western Australia and thanks for the memories.
                                                                                                                    Thats the Fairway between trees.                                        

This another hole where the teams both lost balls,thier pride and reputations in the dirt and dust that made up this HOLE and being 13th you could expect nothing less.

We saw the ocean and smelt the sea air here the first time since leaving Lucky Bay (that piece of paradise)we left a short while ago.But back to the Golf where the scores are Gail 7 strokes Wayne 6
a BLOODY fine effort by both players today.

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