Wednesday 25 January 2012

Kalgoolie-Super Pit-Brothel

Saturday 31/12/11 Last day of this year,what to do now as most things closed in town,so off to visit Super Pit and super it is,what a huge hole in the ground.
Super Pit
Blasting normally takes place regularly and can be seen from viewing area but as luck would have it not on our visit so back to camp and get ready for Dinner tonight as we are having SPLURGE dinner out.Huge downpour on way out streets awash with rainwater,dash to restaurant all arrived safe and almost dry.Meal good company great back to camp to continue New Years celebration with Paul & Janice.
SUNDAY 1/1/12 Brand New Year What would intrepid travellers do here but join the MADAM of Kalgoolies original Brothel on a tour of her Establishment.If only the walls could talk,but I am sure she gave us a good insight into what went on here for a price of course.
Brothel News
All needs catered for here.
Some tools of trade on display here.
Tour lasted about 1.5hrs informative and funny tales told here.
Tourists NOT clients.
Janice dressed to tease Paul.
After tour back to van for Happy Hour went longer than the prescribed 60 minutes but nobody seemed to worry.Leaving early Monday2/1/12 to continue golf.

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