Tuesday 10 January 2012

Lucky Bay

Monday 19/12/11 Having battery problems with accessory battery that runs beer fridge now(that cannot happen)so into Esperance to have it checked.Battery failed it has two dead cells it must now be replaced so there goes the budget again to the tune of $165.00.
Tuesday 20/12/11  Drove 22ks along Cape Le Grand Beach to Wylie Beach and discovered we get into Esperance this way cutting off about 40ks compared to road trip (we wonder why no one told us of this).Weather changing now wind dropping temperature rising best yet since we arrived.
Wednesday 21/12/11 Day 8 here I am not usually able to stay still this long but good company,Gail looking after me,lovely place make staying easy,we met a bloke from Esperance Gino is his name he took Paul and myself out in his boat fishing we left about 11.00am and returned about 4.30pm we had some success and had a hearty dinner not sure of species, though bit strong didnt like it much.
Thursday 22/12/11 R&R day that means more reading,washing,cleaning and reading.
Friday 23/12/11 Back into Esperance today Xmas shopping,wash car to get sand and salt off,bought prawns & oysters for Xmas Eve dinner.

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