Sunday 29 January 2012

Nullabor Links Golf and Crossing the Nullabor.

Tuesday 3/1/12 Raining and a bit chilly now at Caiguna,thought we may not get this hole in but the GODS OF GOLF let us through to play.
Yes it's true all that way and not a turn oh! well lets set the cruise control and play cards.Had Brekky here put the rain gear on and played.
                                                       The Dynamic Duo on the Road.
Scores here at the 8th hole Gail 11 strokes she played well under trying circumstances,and so good coaching.                        Wayne  7  strokes played extremely well even if I say so myself.
Moving on to last hole for today at Cocklebiddly.

  You need the Heart of an Eagle to play this hole,I must have a chicken heart because this hole was a bit difficult to play as the scores here show Gail 6 strokes Wayne 8 strokes.
Lots of giggles,naughty words but all good friends after this hole,another free roadside camp tonight,we tallied the score for first nine and here they are Gail 80 Wayne 77.

Thats the course at Eagles Nest pretty sure most of it would be called "Playing In The Rough".What you say Pete?

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