Monday 9 January 2012

Esperance-Lucky Bay

13/12/11 On previous post I mixed dates but have it correct now I hope.We rang Dept of Evironment & Conservation(National Parks) and found out Lucky Bay camp is first in best dressed.
14/12/11 We arrived at Lucky Bay around 2 30pm set camp on one of the last sites left,lucky to get it.
Beautiful Lucky Bay
Met a couple from Murwillumbah this afternoon,Janice & Paul Weaver,we hit it off from the start,lovely people,so began a new friendship and a lot of good times together.
Mum & her Joey regulars to our van.
We are here until Boxing Day at least now as we are not sure if van parks are taking reservations this time of year,could be stuck somewhere a lot worse than this,we have flush toilets solar heated showers and water what more could you need.
Frenchman Peak.
Sat 17/12/11 Gail had washing machine humming this morning (girls work is never done) Off sight seeing to Duke of Orleans Bay beautiful here as well had lunch at Condingup Tavern very nice.On return to camp we decided at Happy Hour that tomorrow Sunday we would climb Frenchman Peak about 2hrs should be allocated and yes for us oldies it took that long,we were passed by some much youngsters from Kalgoorlie year 12 who had spent some time in Esperance they went to top and almost down nad went past us on our first rest spot.WE ALL made it there and back lots of rest stops.I rang Pete from the cave that is visible on photo.
Adding carefully the top rock to pile.
Don't know who started this pile but just had to add to it.
The inside of the cave at Frenchman Peak, we had phone reception standing near the tree on the right side.

 This shot looking towards coast from cave not many trees here bottom of photo shows car park at base of mountain middle road leads to Lucky Bay away to Left and other road leads to Hellfire Bay.Janice had a fall on way done and badly grazed both knees,otherwise ok.
Gail and Wayne at top of Peak.

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