Monday 5 September 2011

Barnhill-Eighty Mile Beach

Road into Barnhill not too bad 9ks with van but took it steady no problem getting in arrived about 3pm.Very busy here almost full here.Paid for powered site,after setting up camp power kept tripping out,neighbours told us 'you have to turn off water heater,you cannot use jug,toaster,microwave,can you imagine how I felt cause that meant I could not use my hair drier,apparently camp had low power output.Met Allan & Rhonda here also Graham & Maree people we met in our travels.Nice shower and toilets here walls but no roof.Nice experience showering under stars,could be uncomfortable in the wet though.Fresh bread baked here daily at farmhouse,also Vanilla Slices to die for.On day we were leaving got talking to Graham,he told us have to get to office early for bread etc as usual got there after last loaf sold,and so sorry Wayne but slices won't be ready until this afternoon.CRANKY YOU BET I WAS!!!!.Nice spot if you want to chill out and fish.
Sunset over the ocean never lose the beauty of colour etc.anyway must leave for Eighty Mile Beach this place has top recommendations a must see.
Stopped at free camp at Camp Stanley for night happy hour with a young couple from Canberra again good company,they are first time vanners,great to watch them reversing van,they haven't got their system going right yet,but it will come,great to watch though.
Over nighter at Stanley parked on concrete slab.
Off to Eighty Mile now arrived about 10 am, lovely spot,good shady site no grass not seen any since Jamies place we are sure there is some out there still.Caught up with Allen & Rhonda again they had been down to beach gathering shells,Gail at them and thought that she would like to find one each for the girls back home.
Fishing on Eighty Mile easy to get a spot here guys plenty of beach to share,sadly at times not many fish though,people from Perth stay here for months during the winter down there much like Victorians going to Qld.

We went looking for the shells Gail wanted,she wanted only 3 or maybe 4 she left with about 12 or so,very pleased with effort.We found those on southern end of beach,lots of small shells here,thousands actually ones that people here make into windchimes,necklaces,beautiful ornamates etc.There is a chap that comes here every year stays 5 months or so fishes when tide is right and collects shells at other times he is very good at making things such as pelicans,chimes,boats even Gheisha Girl on a stand,wish we had photo to show or some of his skill.
These are what we found for the girls back home.
Back to camp after collecting these beauties,off to obligatory watching of the sunset yet again,Gail met a lady and they got talking about shells seems to be a girl thing up here,she told Gail about a families collection we went to look and what they had was simply amazing.Next morning at the ladies meeting place where they conduct the secret womens business namely the LAUNDRY she found out where the GOODUNS are"Babe she said only 20 ks or so up the beach"off we go at the crack of dawn to beat others a bit like DJs Boxing Day Sale.Early collecters get best shells so they say.First shells found kicked off the ADDICTION,we found some large shells she grabbed whatever we found to start with but as time went on she started to get picky as you do.

Sunset at Eighty Mile
Addictive Collecting of shells.
Gails Portfolio of Shells.
'I only wanted a few!" she said.But they are so lovely.Gail tired from getting in and out of car picking up shells,I called time out or would have had to get trailer to send them back,returned to camp to wash and clean them,all sorted and packed away for we are leaving in the morning.
Left for a free camp spot called De Grey River not sure what it will be like but has been recommended to us.
The Memorial erected by Volunteers in remembrance of Vietnam Vets and those that gave their lives in defence of our ideals.
 Great to see out here.

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