Friday 16 September 2011

Port Hedland-Karijini National Park

Talk about Motorhomes this beauty has top deck that can be folded away in about 30 minutes.Top deck has tv,lounge,bar and bed set up cool yeah!!!
Left here after tour,heading for Karijini National Park,with an overnight stay stay at a free camp,circled the wagons for the night,happy hour,dinner and retired early so we could get early start in the morning.All up ready go about 7 00am.Off to next free camp,refuelled at Auski Roadhouse('Cruiser just loves a drink) arrived Albert Tognolini(apparently he had a bit to do with planning & constuction of highway) we drove in and set the 3 vans up a bit windy at first,we went for short walk to a lookout that showed surrounding area.
Roadside has purple flowers down eachside very pretty
Later in afternoon wind got really blowy,as this stop was on top of mountain we were being buffeted really bad so we decided to move on to Karijini.

View from Free Camp site back through valley.

We looked back here as this was road we came in on.

Monster from Black Lagoon


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