Friday 16 September 2011

Port Hedland

This is looking out to sea where the ore carriers wait until they get a berth so they can load up and head off to mainly China and Japan.
We drove out to a place called Pretty Pool where we watched the tide coming in at a speed that amazed us it falls metres in just a couple of minutes.
Driving back into town we pulled into park that was on the waterfront and were lucky enough to watch Loggerhead Turtles swimming around.
This little fella was up near the park,we watched for a few minutes and it watched back not moving.
 Is nothing sacred or safe from this PLANKER!!!!
Fellow travellers told us of a place out of town where we could get a cheap Dinner.It's called Port Haven BHP own it and is used by the employees as their dining room only 2 years old,it resembles a food court at your local Shopping Centre.
Looking at it when you walk in from left to right,theres a bakery fresh bread or rolls,Pizza Place,Roasts,next Steak and Barramundi salads or vegies then sweets to die for, ice cream bar that would be the envy of any ice cream outlet,finishing up with cheese platters if any room left and all for $22/Person.We sure loved that and girls had a night off from cooking.
Met a guy named John here,he works for BHP Billiton as an instructor teaching people what to do when overhauling the locos that haul ore from mine to harbour,$3000.00 a week 2 weeks on 1 week off Fly in Fly out to Perth (FIFO).Rents here up to $2000/week for 3/4 Bedroom house average rent could be upto $1200 if you can get a place.

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