Monday 26 September 2011

Tom Price

Gail woke this morning not to bad,people we are travelling with,very concerned about her,checking to make sure she is comfortable, she tells us she is ok, but I am not so sure.Off to Tom Price this time a Rio Tinto town,arrived at van park to find green stuff on ground but don't worry 'THEY' said it's only grass we remember now been so long since we have seen any.
We booked tour of mine site dressed up for the occasion.Bruising coming out now,suggested Gail goes to see Doctor but wont go for check up.Lucky no walking on tour bus trip around mine.
Monster Truck.
On tour we watched as huge trucks carried ore from mine to crusher,to stacks, to conveyors,to loaders & onto trains to be taken to Port Hedland & onto ships then to overseas clients.
There is a bloody big hole here now where once a mountain was,in the background you can see the peak of it & at bottom of mine you may be able to make out some water,well that's the watertable now pumps are running 24/7 keeping the mine dry and supplyiny water for dust suppression on roads etc.
There goes 260 tonnes truck and load.
Male and Female drivers employed here,apparently Females are preferred as they are gentler on vehicles(Cheers from girls on bus)but wait girls 'Did you notice how wide the roads are?'says coach driver,(Now groans from girls/Cheers from fellas).
Gail and friend Larry the Loader.
Tour very informative a must do not much else I suppose any back to town shopping for pantry and bar and on way back we drove to top of Mount Nameless very slow going up and even slower coming down 4wd both ways but worth the time you can see for miles (sorry kilometres) up here.
Looking towards minesite from lookout.
View to North of town.
In for service not much clearance here.
Arrived back at van to find Allen and Rhonda had arrived they been out to Marble Bar.We cooked roast on Baby Q others did vegetables Great feast!!!! 2nd time this trip.Gail having bad time walking but still going good proud of her effort in going on.Moving on tomorrow.

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