Tuesday 27 September 2011


Off to Carnarvon today Sunday 18/9 arriving at 11 30 am great welcome from Judith and Ross set up,then quick look around town then back to van.
Quobba Blow Hole
A day trip out here with Ross & Judith great day trip from town,spectacular sceneary,and waves crashing onto rocks.
Wild seas from Indian Ocean
Up she goes!!
Tin Shacks at Quobba
These shacks are similar to Tin City on Stockton Beach,except they can bought and sold with permission of local council.
What a beauty
Back to camp wash car and van,inside & out all sparkling now all red dust gone for now anyway,next day off to One Mile Jetty that in the early days was used for loading of sheep for transportation of sheep to Perth.
Jetty lucky to be still standing some pylons at end of Jetty rotted right through.
Needs replacing soon.
Off to farm bought fresh and cheap fruit and veges,back to van to pack for trip to Denham and Monkey Mia.

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