Monday 26 September 2011

Karajini National Park

We decided to move on from Tognolini Rest Area to Karijini and went to Dales Campground where we were greeted by the Hosts usually a retired couple who volunteer to do the booking in of travellers,clean toilets etc,we set up van and went to have a walk to stretch our legs after sitting so long in the car.
We walked to Fern Pool which was only a short walk but was down a steep track to bottom of gorge but well worth effort,water a bit cold at first but refreshing,small waterfall here,very pretty.
Next morning,Friday 29/9/11 we decided to drive around Park and do short walks,took drinks & lunch,to make a day of it,walks easy,plenty to see,we were a bit disappointed here,we were told how nice it was.more about this later.
View into Gorge at Karijini National Park
Saturday up bright and early to do long walk to Circular Pool,and it is round,cool, some say cold but I had to coax others into water(told a few fibs) soon we were splashing around like babies.Out we get long walk ahead Gail called so off we go along trail that leads along floor of Gorge,really pretty here.
End of the Line here.
Circular Pool from top of trail
We follow trail leading back to Fern Pool at far end of gorge really nice here checking different formations of rock and stone never thought that would interest me but fascinating all the same.Water crystal clear canyon walls reflections can be seen in stream.
Looks like you take slate from this area and cover outdoor area.
Almost at end of walk only about 50 metres to go,we were crossing water on slippery rocks and Gail had a fall,off trail down about  a metre or more landing heavily on bum and arm fearing the worst we managed to get her back on the track.She had a nasty bruise on back,very tender,very sore and painful,i was really worried if she couldn't walk how would we get her out of gorge and to medical help if she needed it.We rested with her checking for any broken bits but all seemed well (except for camera not waterproof model).No photos of the fall taken.Jan you would appreciate the bruising etc that is about to come out after your accident at Knorritt Flat.After making sure she was as comfortable as we could make her,Ross and I helped her out of gorge up steep trail to camp no complaining from the girl but you see pain on her face.Back at camp,shower painkillers sleep all seems good.Sore and sorry now may be a bit better tomorrow.
Please don't bump this support
Last photo from our non waterproof camera

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