Monday 29 August 2011

Goodbye Broome-Hello Barnhill

Broome movie theatre still operating original seats but near new covers (Front stalls)
After returning to camp with repairs done we were surprised with how much higher body was with new springs etc.We cleaned car,repacked it,tomorrow will be vans turn.
Watch out Gail!!!!

Before cleaning van thought I would move car,but no it would not start battery shit itself,continued to clean van,did top to bottom(really did up on roof hose & broom)inside outside beautiful job,hooked up van into town for new battery glad that was all the problem was if more serious would have had to wait to end of week just to have it checked very busy here in WA & NT at this time of season.

Road into Barnhill
Our impressions of Broome (most other travellers say the same)Overpriced & Overrated they will eventually price themselves out of market rumblings are there now and people will vote with thier feet.One example van sites range upto $50/night,another example flights to Horizontal Falls could cost upto almost $800 each ( we are flying home in november return $400 each Perth to Sydney).So we say goodbye Kimberly .

Broome - Cable Beach

View of Port at Broome near where passenger ships tie up quite the poser here the girl!!!

Look theres one now,my sister Dawn arrived on a ship,a few days before we arrived,missed catching up with her,would have been great. We had to have new suspension fitted here as old one couldn't sit level with van on been like it  since we left home now looks like it should.
Cheese & Bikkies at Cable Beach
Dressed up special tonight.yes took girl out for Dinner at the Zeebar ( posh pub )yep you guessed it half price night NICE ONE YEAH!!!
Tourists on camel ride along Beach

That's what we came for sunset at Cable Beach

Cape Leveque - Broome

Up early Saturday to have look around,into another Community,arrived at Ardaloon to find office closed we wanted to pay fee to enter,off to local store lady there told us we could pay at the Barramundi Hatchery down the road,so off we go again arrived at Hatchery only to find "Closed today Mate" come back Mundy!Yeah!! As if,that will happen we are leaving Sunday,not a good start.
Beach at Cape Leveque
We went to Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm on way back from One Arm Point,we did tour here and learnt some of history on growing pearls from shells that are gathered offshore near Eighty Mile Beach south of Broome,have nucleus planted into shell,placed in holders then into water allowed to grow then harvested,sorted and sold.We saw some amazing pearl jewellry here and in stores in Broome.
Pristine waters at Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm
Back to camp for lunch,'cruiser has a few rattles under,spent a little time there tightening bits and pieces (Pete maaate thats what happens here when you have OFFROAD model LOL)
Sunsets here are truly something to see
As the sun sinks into the sea,we have another drink before Dinner
Met lovely people here from all walks of life,camping is a great leveller,most of them get on as we are all out here just living the Life (You do meet some that are #@&!heads and are better than the rest).
Need new airbed soon the one we have leaves us on the ground most of night,guess we all have had one like that.
Left here Sunday a bit disappointed with area,may have had higher expectations,not sure but we gladly headed back to Broome.

Broome-Cape Leveque

Still in Broome,into Information Centre to check on what to see at Cape Leveque,booked for a 2 night stay $36/night no power etc just pile of dust,but you get that up here.
Gail lost filling,had to find dentist that could fix it fast,amazingly we found one he did a great job now all good(no more crackling for her).
This is the camp we left in Broome
Off to Cape Leveque on Friday 19/8/11 200ks away half gravel,corrugations and dust the remainder bitumen.Gravel section first turned out not too bad at all (been on worse namely Cape Yorke track)
If looks like we are on wrong side of road we are,trying to find best ride.
Ooops! Move over, out of dust comes fello tourists.
Our first stop was Beagle Bay an Aboriginal Community that was a tad untidy damaged houses and wrecked cars all over town.
Church built by Catholic Priests and local community in 1800's,this is truly beautiful having a shell covered alter,impressive stained glass windows,and bell tower.

The shells were collected by the Nuns and locals.
The Church was staffed by Nuns from the order Sisters of Saint John of God.
The Church still used by the local people,and draws in tourist dollars that helps maintain the building and community,

This Church is great to see a credit to those that built it from all local materials.
Next stop on our trip was Middle Lagoon,60 Ks return trip along rough road again into camping area that was heaven if you fish.We don't so in for look have lunch and off again.

Lovely place big fish caught here at Middle Lagoon.
As usual there is fee payable to spend time at these places as we do at van parks for day trippers at home $8 here,so now after lunch by the sea,we are off again, this time another community Lombadina.
Jamie our landlord at Broome suggested we go in and get a loaf of fresh baked bread (done in traditional way) Proudie would be happy to see it done in the wood fired oven.Anyway after introducing ourselves to one of Jamies former staff members and paying the donation of $10 we went to bakery to buy the bread we were hangin' for only to find out all sold 5 mins before we got there.Baker told us 'come back Monday' we bake again then,looks like we miss out cause we be back in Broome then ( hoped sob story would get us one but no).
This Aboriginal Community is one that every Community should look at, it is immaculate,no 'sit down' money here,every family has to have at least one member at work doing something in the Community it is credit to Elders,Management and everyone here.
The Church at Lombadina is quite a contrast to Beagle Bay
The Church as at Beagle Bay is used by the Community still.
Again only short stay and off to Kooljamin Resort,and our site for the next two days.Lovely all this and only $36/night(what no room service!!!)

Wednesday 17 August 2011


Up early today must return to Derby,bit of our family history,our Husband, Dad,Pop,spent some time here during his time at sea,when the ships he was on called in to load the ore.In his day they would load as fast as possible and get back to sea because if they missed tide they would be sitting on the harbour bottom until tide returned such are the distances it goes in and out up here,now loading is done differently,vessels remain 20 nautical miles out and are loaded there from barges,Double Handling-not Cost Effective some thoughts that come to mind,anyway I have been here to see where the Old Fella went now back to packing for Broome.
We tried to find a van park that was reasonably priced in Broome,so asked at tourist information,sites cannot be booked this time of year we wre told first come first served,if van parks full then you are put into "overflow" areas sporting fields,showgrounds etc.the prices can range upto $50/night.
We met a couple at info office who seemed to be checking us out they spoke to Gail and told us they stayed on a property 20ks from Broome for $20 a night all amenities Great so here we are.
Only trouble is he put us to work after a day or so on his reticulation system had leaks all over .No we are not grave diggers but plumbers.
Allen & Rhonda also are here and they were put to work (Rhonda is Supervisor).The owners Jamie & Jamie are really nice people bit lay back.Mr Jamie had to go to Perth for a meeting so left us in charge of the stock Gail in charge of cattle,Wayne and Allen security Guard Dogs supplied.
OK who stole my SHOE?who was it?come on guys I need it back!!!!OH well looks like a new pair now!

Gail in the thick of things in the nursery,feeding time every day 4 30 and dont be late all good fun she rounds em up puts them to bed very proud mother she is!!!

These animals are Gails favourite breed from front Asher,Cooper and Gail they are well behaved hounds always at the van playing wanting to be patted etc cannot help but like them.Good news got shoe back found in bush.Shopping today restock pantry,pack car off to Cape Leveque tomorrow Friday, for 2 days camping sightseeing 200 ks away, road reportedly rough and bumpy.

Tunnel Creek-Derby

Ater Creek walk we returned to camp showered ,sat down for a read and waited for sunset in gorge,must have enjoyed our books because when we arrived at Gorge the sun had been and gone,no spectacular sight today
This was all that was left but shows some of what we missed.The National Park campsite here is majic,serviced by Nomads who volunteer the time to clean and tidy the site in return for free camp and tucker they are great out here all happy in the job.
Well they must have tall golfers outback who else could place a ball on the tee like this,cute yeah!Off to bed now I must have had touch of sun.Back to Derby tomorrow.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Windjana Gorge-Tunnel Creek-Derby

 On to Windjana Gorge we have had great run no probs with car then huge BANG! RATTLE! RATTLE!stop car on side of road,looking under I find gas tank protecter plate hanging loose, brackets supporting it broken SHIT! What do you do out here?Improvise thats what! Grab Gails clothes line and tie it back up and pray it stays up,surprising still tied up waiting to have it welded.
Did morning walk into yet another gorge yes we are just about all gorged out but each one has its own beauty.Lots of crocs on sandy beaches warming themselves in sun.

We had intended to do a 7k walk but alas we were stopped doing it track was closed due to rock fall.Returning along track found people we had met at Fitzroy Crossing coming in the Brown's would you believe (lovely couple).After lunch we went to Tunnel Creek with them it was about 36 ks from our camp along more of Gibb River Road to car park then 1.5k walk through water sometimes waist deep on most adults.

As this walk is underground torches a must and footwear as well must be worn.Our friend Graham had to return  to Derby as he is Diabetic and his meds were locked in car and he could not get tailgate open to get to it.
At the end of tunnel we found some rock paintings a short distance from entrance,quite fascinating,and missed by a lot of people.
Fellow walkers looming up out of the dark, thier lamps looked like glow worms in the distance.
Interior of cave this photo does not do it justice yet again.
This is a better one with daylight shining in.Now back to camp.On way back to entrance we again met up with other travellers from Mary's Pool we met there,back to camp now as HAPPY HOUR again raises it's head,dinner then shower etc.

Derby-BellsGorge-Silent Grove.

Left early today 8/8/11 arrived about lunch time,Gail caught up on the housework washing etc I re-organised car getting a tad untidy at times,then a quick look around town,into tourist information office to get the brochures on where to go,what to see.
Re-organised car for another two days in the National Park to visit Bells Gorge,Silent Grove.
Census Night tonight forms were delivered to van site for all at van park,met some vanners after census night and they told us they had forms delivered to Mary's Pool 24 Hour stop so no escaping the census even out here.

Prison Boab Tree
We had dinner on wharf,watching sunset,bottle Chardy,coupla beers,I had a thought "What are the POOR people doing tonight",then I realised we were havin dinner,Oh well time to go home!
Almost back at van the phone rang "Who could be calling at this time of evening?" Who else but Red Cross Blood Bank asking us could we return to Restaraunt, I had dropped my wallet and they had it waiting for us.Outback honesty at its finest.Smart people checked through cards found donor card,they contacted Red Cross who have my contact details,the rest they say is history,my thanks to all concerned,all contents intact only my arse sore from actions of Spouse!!!
Next morning put van into storage,and we leave the town for the bush,and our next adventure (sounds a bit like "WITH THE LEYLAND BROTHERS")I know you just had to sing that bit didn't you?
Albino Peacock at van park couldn't get it to open tail. Left early as usual to get to Bells Gorge before heat of day to do walk into the Gorge,passed through Silent Grove campground not much here decided not to camp here the night so off to Gorge.
Walked to Gorge and found it had top and bottom pools walked down to lower pool we had lunch here in the shade of Gorge wall beaut location.

Oh No!! He's at it again,will he ever behave(no not ever).Anyway we had a good swim here sorry to leave but along way to go this afternoon.Back to Silent Grove,not so silent  now while we were away the Variety Club Bash 2011 participants had arrived in thier fancy cars.
A tad congested here at small creek crossing not sure how these vehicles got this far as they travelled along sections of Gibb River Road( rough road ) especially for cars of this age,any way off to Windjana Gorge (not sure of spelling)