Monday 29 August 2011

Broome-Cape Leveque

Still in Broome,into Information Centre to check on what to see at Cape Leveque,booked for a 2 night stay $36/night no power etc just pile of dust,but you get that up here.
Gail lost filling,had to find dentist that could fix it fast,amazingly we found one he did a great job now all good(no more crackling for her).
This is the camp we left in Broome
Off to Cape Leveque on Friday 19/8/11 200ks away half gravel,corrugations and dust the remainder bitumen.Gravel section first turned out not too bad at all (been on worse namely Cape Yorke track)
If looks like we are on wrong side of road we are,trying to find best ride.
Ooops! Move over, out of dust comes fello tourists.
Our first stop was Beagle Bay an Aboriginal Community that was a tad untidy damaged houses and wrecked cars all over town.
Church built by Catholic Priests and local community in 1800's,this is truly beautiful having a shell covered alter,impressive stained glass windows,and bell tower.

The shells were collected by the Nuns and locals.
The Church was staffed by Nuns from the order Sisters of Saint John of God.
The Church still used by the local people,and draws in tourist dollars that helps maintain the building and community,

This Church is great to see a credit to those that built it from all local materials.
Next stop on our trip was Middle Lagoon,60 Ks return trip along rough road again into camping area that was heaven if you fish.We don't so in for look have lunch and off again.

Lovely place big fish caught here at Middle Lagoon.
As usual there is fee payable to spend time at these places as we do at van parks for day trippers at home $8 here,so now after lunch by the sea,we are off again, this time another community Lombadina.
Jamie our landlord at Broome suggested we go in and get a loaf of fresh baked bread (done in traditional way) Proudie would be happy to see it done in the wood fired oven.Anyway after introducing ourselves to one of Jamies former staff members and paying the donation of $10 we went to bakery to buy the bread we were hangin' for only to find out all sold 5 mins before we got there.Baker told us 'come back Monday' we bake again then,looks like we miss out cause we be back in Broome then ( hoped sob story would get us one but no).
This Aboriginal Community is one that every Community should look at, it is immaculate,no 'sit down' money here,every family has to have at least one member at work doing something in the Community it is credit to Elders,Management and everyone here.
The Church at Lombadina is quite a contrast to Beagle Bay
The Church as at Beagle Bay is used by the Community still.
Again only short stay and off to Kooljamin Resort,and our site for the next two days.Lovely all this and only $36/night(what no room service!!!)

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