Friday 12 August 2011

Kununnara-Turkey Creek-Bungle Bungles

Left Kununnara early waited for Post Office to open post cards & maps to family.Off to Turkey Creek 150 ks arrived lunch time,nice place to stay left van in lock up storage,up early and off to Bungle Bungles 60 ks further along highway,then another 53 ks into National  Park arrived about  11am.
We decided to do the walk to Echidna Chasm only 2 ks this one but a difficult one, along creek bed covered with small rocks,hard on ankles.This walk is best done between 11am and 1pm to have sun overhead to get the full effect on light on Chasm walls.
    This is a must see on any trip to this part of our country.We then went to do Mini Palms walk 5ks but as this was also along a stony creek bed and into a gorge strewn with boulders near the end we turned around retracing our way (we were told it was quite pretty,we took thier word for that). We then drove to the other end of the Park to Walardi Camp Ground set up the tent for the night.

We had a great night here Tuesday 2/8,campfire,people we met during the day,girl band playing guitars all of singing and of course just a few drinks.Up early next day to do the next round of walks,Piccaninni Walk Look Out truly beautiful at the risk of repeating ourselves a must do.
This on the way to Look Out this section similar to yesterday but improves heaps,so off we go!!!
QANTAS made thier commercial here on this spot awhile ago.Only a short walk now to the Look Out.    

After Piccaninni we went to Cathedral Gorge which was a most beautiful place.
Our skills as photographers is only surpassed by our skills as tour guides and cannot show what a great place this is sure one of our "Must come again" places.
This a reflection of the entrance into Cathedral Gorge on a pool of crystal clear water after all this activity we needed to rest.
Then back to camp,lunch,rest, read,Dinner,campfire and bed all well deserved.                                                                  

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