Tuesday 16 August 2011

Windjana Gorge-Tunnel Creek-Derby

 On to Windjana Gorge we have had great run no probs with car then huge BANG! RATTLE! RATTLE!stop car on side of road,looking under I find gas tank protecter plate hanging loose, brackets supporting it broken SHIT! What do you do out here?Improvise thats what! Grab Gails clothes line and tie it back up and pray it stays up,surprising still tied up waiting to have it welded.
Did morning walk into yet another gorge yes we are just about all gorged out but each one has its own beauty.Lots of crocs on sandy beaches warming themselves in sun.

We had intended to do a 7k walk but alas we were stopped doing it track was closed due to rock fall.Returning along track found people we had met at Fitzroy Crossing coming in the Brown's would you believe (lovely couple).After lunch we went to Tunnel Creek with them it was about 36 ks from our camp along more of Gibb River Road to car park then 1.5k walk through water sometimes waist deep on most adults.

As this walk is underground torches a must and footwear as well must be worn.Our friend Graham had to return  to Derby as he is Diabetic and his meds were locked in car and he could not get tailgate open to get to it.
At the end of tunnel we found some rock paintings a short distance from entrance,quite fascinating,and missed by a lot of people.
Fellow walkers looming up out of the dark, thier lamps looked like glow worms in the distance.
Interior of cave this photo does not do it justice yet again.
This is a better one with daylight shining in.Now back to camp.On way back to entrance we again met up with other travellers from Mary's Pool we met there,back to camp now as HAPPY HOUR again raises it's head,dinner then shower etc.

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