Tuesday 16 August 2011

Derby-BellsGorge-Silent Grove.

Left early today 8/8/11 arrived about lunch time,Gail caught up on the housework washing etc I re-organised car getting a tad untidy at times,then a quick look around town,into tourist information office to get the brochures on where to go,what to see.
Re-organised car for another two days in the National Park to visit Bells Gorge,Silent Grove.
Census Night tonight forms were delivered to van site for all at van park,met some vanners after census night and they told us they had forms delivered to Mary's Pool 24 Hour stop so no escaping the census even out here.

Prison Boab Tree
We had dinner on wharf,watching sunset,bottle Chardy,coupla beers,I had a thought "What are the POOR people doing tonight",then I realised we were havin dinner,Oh well time to go home!
Almost back at van the phone rang "Who could be calling at this time of evening?" Who else but Red Cross Blood Bank asking us could we return to Restaraunt, I had dropped my wallet and they had it waiting for us.Outback honesty at its finest.Smart people checked through cards found donor card,they contacted Red Cross who have my contact details,the rest they say is history,my thanks to all concerned,all contents intact only my arse sore from actions of Spouse!!!
Next morning put van into storage,and we leave the town for the bush,and our next adventure (sounds a bit like "WITH THE LEYLAND BROTHERS")I know you just had to sing that bit didn't you?
Albino Peacock at van park couldn't get it to open tail. Left early as usual to get to Bells Gorge before heat of day to do walk into the Gorge,passed through Silent Grove campground not much here decided not to camp here the night so off to Gorge.
Walked to Gorge and found it had top and bottom pools walked down to lower pool we had lunch here in the shade of Gorge wall beaut location.

Oh No!! He's at it again,will he ever behave(no not ever).Anyway we had a good swim here sorry to leave but along way to go this afternoon.Back to Silent Grove,not so silent  now while we were away the Variety Club Bash 2011 participants had arrived in thier fancy cars.
A tad congested here at small creek crossing not sure how these vehicles got this far as they travelled along sections of Gibb River Road( rough road ) especially for cars of this age,any way off to Windjana Gorge (not sure of spelling)

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