Wednesday 17 August 2011


Up early today must return to Derby,bit of our family history,our Husband, Dad,Pop,spent some time here during his time at sea,when the ships he was on called in to load the ore.In his day they would load as fast as possible and get back to sea because if they missed tide they would be sitting on the harbour bottom until tide returned such are the distances it goes in and out up here,now loading is done differently,vessels remain 20 nautical miles out and are loaded there from barges,Double Handling-not Cost Effective some thoughts that come to mind,anyway I have been here to see where the Old Fella went now back to packing for Broome.
We tried to find a van park that was reasonably priced in Broome,so asked at tourist information,sites cannot be booked this time of year we wre told first come first served,if van parks full then you are put into "overflow" areas sporting fields,showgrounds etc.the prices can range upto $50/night.
We met a couple at info office who seemed to be checking us out they spoke to Gail and told us they stayed on a property 20ks from Broome for $20 a night all amenities Great so here we are.
Only trouble is he put us to work after a day or so on his reticulation system had leaks all over .No we are not grave diggers but plumbers.
Allen & Rhonda also are here and they were put to work (Rhonda is Supervisor).The owners Jamie & Jamie are really nice people bit lay back.Mr Jamie had to go to Perth for a meeting so left us in charge of the stock Gail in charge of cattle,Wayne and Allen security Guard Dogs supplied.
OK who stole my SHOE?who was it?come on guys I need it back!!!!OH well looks like a new pair now!

Gail in the thick of things in the nursery,feeding time every day 4 30 and dont be late all good fun she rounds em up puts them to bed very proud mother she is!!!

These animals are Gails favourite breed from front Asher,Cooper and Gail they are well behaved hounds always at the van playing wanting to be patted etc cannot help but like them.Good news got shoe back found in bush.Shopping today restock pantry,pack car off to Cape Leveque tomorrow Friday, for 2 days camping sightseeing 200 ks away, road reportedly rough and bumpy.

1 comment:

  1. Good one Wayne.

    Now that I know u have experience in this area . . . is there any chance u will be in South Aust. b4 December? (my septic tank will need cleaning out by then!)
