Tuesday 29 November 2011

Albany - Remembrance Day

Friday 11/11/11 Remembrance Day We attended the sevice in the Park at Albany to day solemn and emotional for us as it always is means something to Gail and me maybe because we are a tad patriotic and we want our country to remain forever AUSTRALIAN sadly too many overseas problems being imported here.
Whale World across the Bay.
Whale World is about Australias involvement in the Whaling Industry,Hunting Killing,Processing of the Whale,which ceased here 1978,it is an amazing exhibit also very informative.
Australia ceased whaling when it became unprofitable because price for and demand for whale oil etc dropped.
Gail the hunter.
The whaling company that operated here now runs the exhibit,its very informative and expensive I think especially for families.Skeletons of whales and dolphins that have died of natural causes are on display.
Dolphin Skeleton.
Guess who she is having for dinner?
Gail at play!!!!

Albany - Cosy Corner

This is the harbour that was used to assemble the ships to take ANZACS to war,there were rows upon rows of them.
A friendly native.
The Lizard above lies on the pathways around the lookouts here warming themselves during the day.
Seals are common around the Marina.
When we first went sightseeing here,the camera battery went flat so that meant we had to retrace our steps to get the photos we needed.
Garden at Tourist Information Office Albany.
Take time to smell the Roses.

Cosy Corner-Albany

Wednesday 9/11 Left Fremantle behind today,headed South as planned not sure how far we will get.Drove the full day arrived at Cosy Corner a free camp toilets only, so you must be self sufficient as in power water etc.this camp was 400 ks from Fremantle and approx 30ks from ALBANY (pronounced if you please AL-BANY not ALLBANY) unless you want to annoy LOCALS which is good FUN they get really Pissed Off.
Local Gate crasher at HAPPY HOUR.
This little pest dropped in every day,very friendly,wanting to be fed which is not good for them but some just cannot resist the cute antics of this one,its a Bandicoot,by the way,one afternoon he brought a friend along we stopped feeding them at this stage, so they stopped calling.
This guy has a stumpy tail probably lost in a fight at one time.
As you see camp is protected from wind as we are only a short distance from beach,great location,you can stay here 7 days free no charge as you would expect very popular with travellers,Backpackers,Mobilehomes,Campertrailers all types of rigs large and small.Sites at a premium here if you move it you lose it.Caravans a good here drive your car into ALBANY for a day your site is still there when you get back,take your Motorhome into town and some one takes your site you then wait for them to move,so the game goes on .

A man and his Castle.
As our Grandson said THIS IS THE LIFE POPPY.
Thursday 10/11 Into Albany today sightseeing plenty to see here.Memorial to LIGHTHORSEMEN who left to go to EGYPT in WW1 it was the place they left Australia from lots of ships anchored here to take ANZACS to Gallopi and eventually France.
Lighthorse Monument

Coogee- Freemantle

Saturday 5/11 Nothing doing today just catching our breath you know how it is need to catch up on maintenance both van & car.
Sunday 6/11 Off to Fremantle Markets today Nat rang us to tell his GOOD news,he PROPOSED to Jess, and she ACCEPTED yes the Lege finally crumbled.Our wishes go out to them for a long and happy life together, we are extremely happy for them,just goes to show you never know whats comin' up next.
off to Avon Valley to find a spot to stay but not suitable for us.Decided to head South.
This Tank inside seafood shop in Fremantle.
Monday 7/11 Roast dinner tonight yummy.Have to eat well even if we are travelling.
We have developed a battery problem in van and decided to have it checked before heading South,so we take it to dealer who does necessary checks as you would expect for us battery checks out OK,after process of elimination the charger seems to be culprit,off to auto electrician,Mate he said never had a problem with this brand before Maate I said if there is a faulty one then you put money on it being ours,after testing he found that when charger had battery up to full charge it wouldn't turn off and kept pushing more power into battery no cheap solution here I thought so when van on power I would keep eye on it and turn off when ready,no problem,You would think I could think of a remedy myself but no a bloke I met at a camp site down South said "Wayne why don't you go to BUNNINGS and buy a 24hr timer problem solved run power during HAPPY HOUR and you don't have to get up and check it's done for you" What a
LEGEND.Into BUNNINGS next day no more problems.Will have to replace when we get home though.
Self Portraits dont always do us justice!!

Monday 28 November 2011


Wed2/11 We caught up with Harry & Kay,who we first met at Darwin and had breakfast with I asked Harry as you live in Perth do you know of a storage yard where we can leave our van when we go home without hesitation they offered us a place in thier yard power and all.Gail rang Kay who invited us to thier home we took morning tea after which we were saying that we were going back to Fremantle,no way they said Lunch is on.What exceptional people they are.So after lunch we returned to Coogee to meet with Graham and Maree  we met them at several places along the way.We had dinner at Fremantle Wharf another lovely evening.

Freemantle Wharf is the Place for seafood lunches,Boutique Beers etc.Lots of dry storage places around to store Cruisers, Runabouts,dinghys.
Now thats a lovely Boat Yeah!!!!
Into Perth Thursday 3/11 Miserable weather today rainy windy miserable couldn't see Parks and Gardens.Great transport around city hop on hop off all FREE what a great IDEA.Rail travel cheap as well and great service.

On our second tour of the Gaol we saw the Catholic Chapel,Womens Prison,Exercise Yard and condemned mans cell,also when some cells were being cleaned under the paint were some paintings done by convicts simplyamazing.

Unbelievable talent in these cells,most 19th century drawings.
Friday 4/11 E Shed Markets today,disappointed with what was on offer here mostly crap.Doing cruise on the Swan River today lunch included from Fremantle to Perth 2.5 hours.lots of marinas about 7 I think.As many boats here as on the Gold Coast.

Some homes on this waterfront sell for as much as 57 million,this on cheap at 7 million.
A good outing today tiring weather fair for a change,at least most of the day,back to van for happy hour.

Busselton- Bunbury

Saturday 22/10 Overcast again today so R&R.Gail cooked dinner for Judith & Ross as they are leaving Sunday for Kalgoolie.
Sunday 23/10 Up early to farewell JARs (Judith and Ross) they unfortunately have to be home (Bribie Island) in Qld.Sad to say Farewell,but assured each other that we will catch up soon.
We stayed in Busselton until Thursday after we had car serviced expensive I thought at $870 slug to budget but has to be done to keep it roadworthy.
Thursday 27/10 off to Belvidere Camp in the National Park,camp fire at night timber supplied stayed 3 nights but mozzies annoying here.
Saturday 30/10 Moved up to Rockingham,decided not to stay here so on to COOGEE Beach Van Park,we stayed a week,exploring Fremantle,Markets,etc.

Gail sure loves a good Gaol
Every town or city we have been to so far that has a Corrective Centre or Jail/Gaol,Gail must visit must have something to do with our Convict Heritage.This establishment has seen some very naughty Boys and Girls put in here.Life here was extremely harsh and punishments at times extreme lots of lashings,hard labour and the odd HANGING carried out one Female included.
Tiny windows in walls was the first thing I noticed
The Main Prison was the Male Building,there are lots of stories about some of the crims housed here and thier antics and methods of escape attempts.
Nets here are provided to deter suicide from above
Walls here are of a local sandstone,prisoners built walls and obviously knew weak spots that assisted in thier attempts at absconding though not many were at large for long periods of time.
Anglican Chapel
When the chapel was opened this one was for Anglican Inmates but as most of our population at the time were Irish,then as you would expect most of the Prisoners were Irish so a Catholic Chapel was added.
The Authorities also changed the the COMMANDMENT that says THOU SHALL NOT KILL toTHOU SHALL NOT MURDER,because the state was breaking this commandment by killing by HANGING the GUILTY.
The Hangmans Noose awaiting.
The long Drop.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Contro Camp-Bussellton

19/10/11 Excellent time last night but now time to move on,Tears, Lumps in throats etc Just like leaving family again.
Put those away.
Arrived in Bussellton around midday,caught up with Judith & Ross again,we had the household duties to do no good fairies here.Cold and Windy here seems like a broken record must go North to the warm weather.
Thursday finished tidy up look around town happy hour with Judith & Ross.
21/10/11 Happy Birthday KYE We missed being there for your Party,but will celebrate when we get home mate.Drove into Bunbury lunch on the beach nice spot,phoned Kye sounded excited about his Party.
Jetty at Bussellton
We did the walk along the jetty nice weather today,had to pay for privilege,you pay for everthing here,and no SENIORS discount either BUMMER!!!!!
Alternative transport on Jetty.
One of the locals.
On some sections of the Jetty railing there are numerous Plaques commerating the lives of local characters and their families that have had their ashes placed in the water here at thier favourite fishing spot.
Saturday 22/10/11 Not much happening today,rest and recreation,car booked in for service have to stay put here until Wednesday.Another sad day as Judith & Ross leave us tomorrow for Kalgoolie,Gail makes dinner for them lovely work Gail much appreciated by all.
Sunday 23/10/11 Up early at 7am Ross likes to get away early,I know Gail will miss Judith as she will now only have me to put up with for sometime,more LUMPS in throats as we wave them off with best wishes and assurances that we will catch up again.
We now have parted with good friends Nola & Roger,Andrew & Robin,Barbra & Kerrie,and Ross & Judith.
Back to Bunbury today for supplies,and to visit a special winery.
Who would think of this!!!!!
Lovely spot here some great wine,sending some home,hope its still there when we arrive home on the 22nd November.
When doing retail therapy today we called into a pet accessory shop you know the ones that sell diamond studded collars,designer shoes and jackets.Well being the person I am I bought Gail a Border Collie she loves them her name is WAGS and Judith named her for us.
Meet our Guard Dog.

Contro Camp-Margaret River

Today is a sad day 18/10/11 Because tomorrow the team splits up as we head north to Bussellton,but tonight we celebrate over a baked dinner with all the trimmings not bad for being as isolated as we are.After dinner comes the entertainment,Kerry on the Didge(Can't play but tries hard) Barb wrote a Poem on all of us really quite funny(She was awake all night under the sheets getting it JUST right).Andrew reciting a bawdy piece of Poetry.
Gail and I spent some time in the OLD LOLLY SHOPPE getting something that related to them all.
Robyn-a very LARGE DUMMY (She was continually spitting the dummy if it didn't go her way)
Andrew -large blue tablets that resembled Viagra
Barb-all day SUCKER.
Kerry-sherbert cone because he is with SA police Drug Squad,Gob Stopper to try and stop him talking,Rat because he would like to get the rats off the street.He is a great guy!!!!
We will sad to leave them tomorrow,we have decided to keep in touch.
That's the Wolves!!!

Margaret River - Wines -Chocolates-Cheeses

Monday 17/10/11 Tour Day!! Yes, this was organised by the Ladies,where did we start Oh Yeah that's right the Chocolate Factory It's like Alladin's Cave in there.
Mountains of  Chocolates
All sorts of chocolate and not a conscience in sight.Temptation on every table.We snapped up Rocky Road or two here.
Quite a range of gifts here.
Osnly had short stop here,Ladies wanted to get to Boot Leg Beer Brewery.We had a taste of the range on offer here bought a case to bring home only to find out no preservatives are used in the brewing process meaning it wouldn't last 'til we get home,SORRY guys we had to drink it before it goes off.

Sample tray of Boutique beer thats on offer we didn't like them all only most of them,so we had the case mixed.

                                                    An apt place for us to gather.
Howling Wolves the winery we liked most of all considering how it affects us on the full moon.Very NICE REDS here as well as Liquers.We had lunch at Hay Shed to die for.Coffee and Margaret River.Off to Berry Farm lovely Jams Pickles etc here.Absolute must to do.Fits all the cliches.

                                                            The Wolves at lunch                                                                       

Friday 18 November 2011

Contro Camp-Margaret River

Sunday 16/10/11.Believe it or not,in preparation for our trip to Wineries tomorrow we decided to exercise today.Off we went with friends Barb & Kerry,Barb still suffering with a skin allergy was covered head to toe trying to keep out of the sun but was only able to go short distance before having to go back.We could hear the sea pounding in the distance,the Ranger told us biggest seas for sometime were on, a must see,we walked what seemed like kms & kms and it was.After sometime we heard a car coming along track hoping we could get a lift.It was Kerry and Barb looking for us in we jumped off to see the sea.
Thats the Girl holding back the Ocean!
We sat and watched the breakers rolling in for what seemed like hours,amazed at the power in them and thier size,the colours in each set truly amazing.Back to camp now for lunch then off to do a tour of Cave.

Stairs into cave entrance.
This cave, Lake Cave has 300 steps from surface to entrance and you must climb them to get out again.
It's not a very big cave compared to others in this area but interesting all the same.
Spectacular!! This weights approx 4.5 tonnes.
Nativity formation.
We were waiting for the PHANTOM to appear in his Gondola
Back to surface now, girls planning trip of Wineries tomorrow.