Saturday 19 November 2011

Contro Camp-Margaret River

Today is a sad day 18/10/11 Because tomorrow the team splits up as we head north to Bussellton,but tonight we celebrate over a baked dinner with all the trimmings not bad for being as isolated as we are.After dinner comes the entertainment,Kerry on the Didge(Can't play but tries hard) Barb wrote a Poem on all of us really quite funny(She was awake all night under the sheets getting it JUST right).Andrew reciting a bawdy piece of Poetry.
Gail and I spent some time in the OLD LOLLY SHOPPE getting something that related to them all.
Robyn-a very LARGE DUMMY (She was continually spitting the dummy if it didn't go her way)
Andrew -large blue tablets that resembled Viagra
Barb-all day SUCKER.
Kerry-sherbert cone because he is with SA police Drug Squad,Gob Stopper to try and stop him talking,Rat because he would like to get the rats off the street.He is a great guy!!!!
We will sad to leave them tomorrow,we have decided to keep in touch.
That's the Wolves!!!

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