Monday 28 November 2011

Busselton- Bunbury

Saturday 22/10 Overcast again today so R&R.Gail cooked dinner for Judith & Ross as they are leaving Sunday for Kalgoolie.
Sunday 23/10 Up early to farewell JARs (Judith and Ross) they unfortunately have to be home (Bribie Island) in Qld.Sad to say Farewell,but assured each other that we will catch up soon.
We stayed in Busselton until Thursday after we had car serviced expensive I thought at $870 slug to budget but has to be done to keep it roadworthy.
Thursday 27/10 off to Belvidere Camp in the National Park,camp fire at night timber supplied stayed 3 nights but mozzies annoying here.
Saturday 30/10 Moved up to Rockingham,decided not to stay here so on to COOGEE Beach Van Park,we stayed a week,exploring Fremantle,Markets,etc.

Gail sure loves a good Gaol
Every town or city we have been to so far that has a Corrective Centre or Jail/Gaol,Gail must visit must have something to do with our Convict Heritage.This establishment has seen some very naughty Boys and Girls put in here.Life here was extremely harsh and punishments at times extreme lots of lashings,hard labour and the odd HANGING carried out one Female included.
Tiny windows in walls was the first thing I noticed
The Main Prison was the Male Building,there are lots of stories about some of the crims housed here and thier antics and methods of escape attempts.
Nets here are provided to deter suicide from above
Walls here are of a local sandstone,prisoners built walls and obviously knew weak spots that assisted in thier attempts at absconding though not many were at large for long periods of time.
Anglican Chapel
When the chapel was opened this one was for Anglican Inmates but as most of our population at the time were Irish,then as you would expect most of the Prisoners were Irish so a Catholic Chapel was added.
The Authorities also changed the the COMMANDMENT that says THOU SHALL NOT KILL toTHOU SHALL NOT MURDER,because the state was breaking this commandment by killing by HANGING the GUILTY.
The Hangmans Noose awaiting.
The long Drop.

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