Monday 28 November 2011


Wed2/11 We caught up with Harry & Kay,who we first met at Darwin and had breakfast with I asked Harry as you live in Perth do you know of a storage yard where we can leave our van when we go home without hesitation they offered us a place in thier yard power and all.Gail rang Kay who invited us to thier home we took morning tea after which we were saying that we were going back to Fremantle,no way they said Lunch is on.What exceptional people they are.So after lunch we returned to Coogee to meet with Graham and Maree  we met them at several places along the way.We had dinner at Fremantle Wharf another lovely evening.

Freemantle Wharf is the Place for seafood lunches,Boutique Beers etc.Lots of dry storage places around to store Cruisers, Runabouts,dinghys.
Now thats a lovely Boat Yeah!!!!
Into Perth Thursday 3/11 Miserable weather today rainy windy miserable couldn't see Parks and Gardens.Great transport around city hop on hop off all FREE what a great IDEA.Rail travel cheap as well and great service.

On our second tour of the Gaol we saw the Catholic Chapel,Womens Prison,Exercise Yard and condemned mans cell,also when some cells were being cleaned under the paint were some paintings done by convicts simplyamazing.

Unbelievable talent in these cells,most 19th century drawings.
Friday 4/11 E Shed Markets today,disappointed with what was on offer here mostly crap.Doing cruise on the Swan River today lunch included from Fremantle to Perth 2.5 hours.lots of marinas about 7 I think.As many boats here as on the Gold Coast.

Some homes on this waterfront sell for as much as 57 million,this on cheap at 7 million.
A good outing today tiring weather fair for a change,at least most of the day,back to van for happy hour.

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