Saturday 19 November 2011

Contro Camp-Bussellton

19/10/11 Excellent time last night but now time to move on,Tears, Lumps in throats etc Just like leaving family again.
Put those away.
Arrived in Bussellton around midday,caught up with Judith & Ross again,we had the household duties to do no good fairies here.Cold and Windy here seems like a broken record must go North to the warm weather.
Thursday finished tidy up look around town happy hour with Judith & Ross.
21/10/11 Happy Birthday KYE We missed being there for your Party,but will celebrate when we get home mate.Drove into Bunbury lunch on the beach nice spot,phoned Kye sounded excited about his Party.
Jetty at Bussellton
We did the walk along the jetty nice weather today,had to pay for privilege,you pay for everthing here,and no SENIORS discount either BUMMER!!!!!
Alternative transport on Jetty.
One of the locals.
On some sections of the Jetty railing there are numerous Plaques commerating the lives of local characters and their families that have had their ashes placed in the water here at thier favourite fishing spot.
Saturday 22/10/11 Not much happening today,rest and recreation,car booked in for service have to stay put here until Wednesday.Another sad day as Judith & Ross leave us tomorrow for Kalgoolie,Gail makes dinner for them lovely work Gail much appreciated by all.
Sunday 23/10/11 Up early at 7am Ross likes to get away early,I know Gail will miss Judith as she will now only have me to put up with for sometime,more LUMPS in throats as we wave them off with best wishes and assurances that we will catch up again.
We now have parted with good friends Nola & Roger,Andrew & Robin,Barbra & Kerrie,and Ross & Judith.
Back to Bunbury today for supplies,and to visit a special winery.
Who would think of this!!!!!
Lovely spot here some great wine,sending some home,hope its still there when we arrive home on the 22nd November.
When doing retail therapy today we called into a pet accessory shop you know the ones that sell diamond studded collars,designer shoes and jackets.Well being the person I am I bought Gail a Border Collie she loves them her name is WAGS and Judith named her for us.
Meet our Guard Dog.

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