Saturday 19 November 2011

Margaret River - Wines -Chocolates-Cheeses

Monday 17/10/11 Tour Day!! Yes, this was organised by the Ladies,where did we start Oh Yeah that's right the Chocolate Factory It's like Alladin's Cave in there.
Mountains of  Chocolates
All sorts of chocolate and not a conscience in sight.Temptation on every table.We snapped up Rocky Road or two here.
Quite a range of gifts here.
Osnly had short stop here,Ladies wanted to get to Boot Leg Beer Brewery.We had a taste of the range on offer here bought a case to bring home only to find out no preservatives are used in the brewing process meaning it wouldn't last 'til we get home,SORRY guys we had to drink it before it goes off.

Sample tray of Boutique beer thats on offer we didn't like them all only most of them,so we had the case mixed.

                                                    An apt place for us to gather.
Howling Wolves the winery we liked most of all considering how it affects us on the full moon.Very NICE REDS here as well as Liquers.We had lunch at Hay Shed to die for.Coffee and Margaret River.Off to Berry Farm lovely Jams Pickles etc here.Absolute must to do.Fits all the cliches.

                                                            The Wolves at lunch                                                                       

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