Friday 4 November 2011


At Ballingup (so many towns around here have UP added to thier name) Tavern where we had lunch,the Bar Manager whose name is Dwayne, also as GAY as he is loud, is so entertaining that we didn't want to leave he has to be seen to be believed.He is famous around the area for his antics looks like the lead role from AVATAR!!!Most comments in visitors book are about him. great personality.Not for everyone though.
Overnight stay in free camp at Grimwade,had campfire off to sleep early tonight all tired.
Called into Gnomesville to buy a Garden Gnome today.How wrong were we? You don't buy them here you bring them and leave them here. Apparently started by a local who placed one down,then someone else added to it because he looked lonely and so it grew,now there are hundreds if not thousands everywhere,along tracks,up in trees,on the creek banks everywhere you look.
But wait there's more.

Bet you think that's it don't you

But wait there's more.
Great to see a must do.
How did you Smurfs get here?
So many Gnomes here,not enough space to show them all to you more being added every week by tourists.
These gnomes have invaded the property over the fence.
That's it from Gnomesville for now we are sure we will be back again.

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