Friday 4 November 2011

Cevantes- Where to next?

After a drive around the Pinnacles it was back to van to decide 'Where to next'.Decisions! Decisions!

Last look at Cevantes.

The decision was made after Barb and Kerrie from SA contacted us (we met them at Mesa Camp out from Exmouth) and said they were at Potters Gorge in the Wellington National Park only about 400ks away.
Monday10/10/11 About 8 15 am off we go,may get there today,maybe not.

We caught our first glimpse of Perth as we passed by.They have plenty of Freeways and Highways (not sure of the difference) that allowed us to make very quick times so we decided to continue on.We surprised Barb when we arrived she didn't think we would arrive today.
What a nice camp there was about six other vans here,plenty of space tall trees to protect us from wind,toilets,water all here.Life great out here.

Bird life abounds at Potters Gorge 

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