Friday 18 November 2011

Margaret River - Augusta

14/10/2011 Ellies First Birthday today sad because we missed it but will celebrate when we get home in November,I have been slack in catching up with the Blog mostly having no signal because of where we are.We went onto Cape Leeuwin National Park and set up.
We are sure there was one of these in Hamilton.
15/11/2011 Off to to Augusta today to see the Lighthouse,also the most southwesterly point where two oceans the Southern Ocean & the Indian Ocean meet (not sure who decided this):)
It does not lean like this.
Clearly Signposted. So must be true.
Two Oceans meet here.
Gail and Friend
Apparently down here in the South West of WA sometime ago there was lots of the cow models around and getting a bit damaged so they were auctioned and proceeds donated to charity.All cows went to good homes and are displayed in different areas around WA.
We (read Gail) did 3 loads of washing at local laundramat as things were getting a bit low in the undies drawer.

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